IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

Current issue


Some aspects of intra-category connections axiological and situational modality (based on somatic phraseological units of the Russian language)


This article addresses the features of representing various meanings of situational and axiological modality in the Russian phraseological space and examines certain aspects of intracategorical connections between types of subjective modality. The research material comprises 154 stable combinations with “bodily” lexicon, obtained through continuous sampling from authoritative lexicographic sources, namely: the Great Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language edited by V. N. Telia, the Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language by A. I. Fedorov, and the Historical-Etymological Dictionary of Russian Phraseology by A. K. Birikh, V. M. Mokienko, and L. I. Stepanova. Additionally, contextual variants of the usage of the stated phraseologisms in artistic and journalistic texts included in the Russian National Corpus were analyzed. The study demonstrates the ability of figurative expressions with somatic components to form a modal context and express both specific situational meanings of subjective modality (possibility / impossibility, desirability, necessity, etc.) and various aspects of axiological modality, which are directly related to the value picture of the world of the Russian people. Special attention is paid to the analysis of those shades of modal meanings that overlap and are in motivated interrelated relationships in stable combinations.

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Features of grifonym functioning in English-language fantasy video game texts


The article highlights the results of a study on the cumulative functionality of fantasy character nominations in English-language video games. The relevant term “grifonym” is introduced for these nominations, proposed to denote quasi-anthroponyms of beings with a high degree of fictionality, possessing a one- or multi-component structural composition and relating to the appearance, unique characteristics, social role, activities, and origin of a fantasy character endowed with certain anthropomorphic traits. Considering the nature of the activities of grifonym bearers, it is established that, in addition to the universal nominative function, grifonyms in the accompanying texts of fantasy genre video games perform the function of conveying information about the specific qualities of the character (appearance, abilities, stage of evolution, etc.), the function of conveying information about the character’s habitat or fantasy locations, and the function of representing the referential correlation of grifonyms with real-world reality. The polyfunctional nature of grifonyms is noted, implying the simultaneous performance of two or more functions in the fantasy discourse. A conclusion is drawn about the significance of grifonym functionality in modeling fantasy realities, and prospects for further research development are outlined.

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The story Coward by V.M. Garshin and the novella The Yoke of War by L.N. Andreev: linguistic and stylistic analysis


Researchers of L. N. Andreev’s work agree that the artistic methods of the first expressionist in Russian prose were significantly influenced by the work of V. M. Garshin. Taking this continuity into account, the article compares the texts of Garshin’s story Coward and Andreev’s novella The Yoke of War. The aim of the study is to identify similar features in the idiolects of the “forerunner of expressionism” and the “singer of horrors and nightmares”, while considering the functioning of means expressing the category of intensity. This approach allows for an expanded understanding of the evolution and transformation of such a unique direction in Russian literature as expressionism. Drawing on the texts of the works, the article demonstrates similar techniques in the depiction of the theme of war, which became the connecting link in the creative dialogue between the two writers, representing different generations of Russian literature. A more specific conclusion is made about L. N. Andreev’s changing perception of war by establishing connections between the late story The Yoke of War and the 1904 expressionist novella Red Laughter.

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Literary studies

The role of Jean Chapelain in the development of French literary theory and criticism in the first half of the XVIIth century


The main objective of the article is to present the multifaceted figure of Jean Chapelain as the foremost French critic and literary theorist of the first half of the 17th century. Significant attention is given to Chapelain’s connection with his time, during which the function of literature and the position of the writer were evolving, as well as his substantial contribution to the establishment and consolidation of classicist aesthetics on a national level. The article addresses the critic’s role in the development of literature, his influence on the formation of aesthetic taste, his mediation between the author and the audience, and the nature of the political engagement in literary creativity demanded by the time, as well as the relationship between the creator and power. Chapelain’s texts are examined in their entirety, allowing for the tracing of the development of guiding ideas and the deepening of fundamental concepts in his theorizing, such as “verisimilitude”, “taste”, “decorum”, “utility”, “morality”, “erudition”, “fashion”, “clarity”, and “novelty”, which gain semantic complexity depending on their application to different — fictional and non-fictional — genres. Through the analysis of specific works by Chapelain, the article traces the nature of the unfolding of his critical-theoretical discourse, reflecting the principle of aesthetic-philosophical thinking of French classicism as a whole.

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J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis in search of the criterion of artistry


The article examines the aesthetic aspect of the artistic pursuits of famous English philologists and writers of the 20th century, Clive Staples Lewis and John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, based on their literary-critical works, essays, and fictional texts. In particular, the article traces the search for a criterion of artistry in the works of these authors. The relevance of this study is determined by the belief that the criterion of artistry in a literary text is a fundamental category of literary studies, allowing for the necessary distinction between texts that belong to literature as such and pseudo-literature. This criterion ultimately defines the subject of literary studies as a science, since the science of literature does not study just any written text containing fiction, but rather artistic texts. The purpose of this article is to understand what J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis — colleagues and friends who inspired each other and formed the literary fellowship of the Inklings — meant by artistry and what criteria of artistry they were able to develop.

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Mikhail Ancharov and the poetry of Mayakovsky


The article addresses the issue of the creative reception of Mayakovsky’s poetry in the lyrics of the poet and bard Mikhail Ancharov (1923—1990). The poetic generation of Ancharov, which was formed in the 1930s and 1940s, was strongly influenced by the classic of Soviet literature. In Ancharov’s lyrics, the influence of Mayakovsky (especially his early works) manifests at various levels: at the level of the lyrical hero’s character — independent and expressive, particularly in love (“Pykhom klubit par...” (Steam Billows...), “Tsyganochka” (The Gypsy Girl)); in urban motifs, the theme of a person’s tragic lostness in a huge city (“Pesnya o nizkoroslom cheloveke...” (Song of the Short Man)); in the anti-bourgeois theme (“Antimeshchanskaya pesnya” (Anti-Bourgeois Song), “Rynok” (Market)), which reveals its ambiguity in Ancharov’s work; as well as at the level of individual themes and motifs (social and racial injustice in the “world of capital”; the lyrical hero and the “icy” land for which he fights). Ancharov frequently mentions Mayakovsky’s name, quotes his poems, and comments on his statements about creativity in his prose and interviews.

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Pedagogy and psychology

Transdisciplinarity as a mechanism of educational innovations: synthesizing pedagogical experience


Due to the relatively recent emergence of transdisciplinarity in the educational sphere, the mechanisms of innovations, whose philosophical basis it constitutes, remain insufficiently studied. The aim of this article is to present a systematic experience in which transdisciplinarity serves as a mechanism for educational innovations and contributes to achieving new quality educational outcomes or obtaining more reliable, convenient, and functional pedagogical developments. The results include the development of a training technology for future educators to create transdisciplinary educational products. The main techniques for developing transdisciplinary educational products are identified and described: digitization of traditional or existing didactic tools, application of the latest scientific achievements to obtain new quality educational outcomes in pedagogical practice, application of the theory of optimality, the trial and error method, as well as the implementation of general scientific approaches in educational practice. The experience presented in the article can contribute to the development of student pedagogical startups and improve the quality of innovations in education.

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Cultural and leisure activities as an element of ethnocultural education for younger students in a supplementary educational institution


The aspects of effective organization of cultural and leisure activities within the framework of ethnocultural education implemented by a teacher in an additional education institution are analyzed in the article. Based on the studied sources, factors determining the relevance of the research (the importance of socialization, the conditions of a multicultural world) are identified, and distinctive features of several types of education (polycultural, multicultural, monocultural, and ethnocultural) are separately considered. The authors also examine the characteristics of cultural and leisure activities, their tasks, stages, and forms of implementation. The research focuses on the main aspects of organizing cultural and leisure activities within the framework of ethnocultural education in an additional education institution (functions, forms, means, content). As a result, factors determining the achievement of the goals of ethnocultural education for 6—11-year-old students (formation of ethnic identity and intercultural tolerance) through the participation of children in various forms of cultural and leisure activities are identified.

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Implementation of the principle of learning though speech patterns in profile-oriented foreign language training


One of the leading special methodological principles of professionally-oriented foreign language training — the principle of teaching based on speech patterns of a specific subject area — is highlighted. A theoretical analysis of the essence of this principle, its place and role in the system of principles of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching is presented, along with an attempt to practically implement this principle in the content of English language teaching for the subject area “Information Technology”. To achieve the goal: 1) the concept and essence of speech patterns in a specific professional field are specified; 2) similarities and differences in the use of the terms “speech pattern”, “speech template”, “speech cliché” are analyzed; 3) specific conditions for the implementation of the principle in practical pedagogical activities in professionally-oriented foreign language classes are determined; 4) the sequence of methodological and educational actions during foreign language training based on speech patterns of a specific subject area is described; 5) a practical implementation option of the principle for the purposes of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching for students in the field of information technology is proposed. The study concludes that the quality of such foreign language training indicators as visibility, authenticity, time efficiency, functionality, and complexity (multi-aspect nature) is improved in the process of forming professionally-oriented speech skills and developing students’ speech abilities.

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Supporting project activities in university using web services


The sustained interest in using project-based learning in higher education is driven by the need to prepare students for solving real-world problems and the potential of project activities to develop students’ independence, cognitive, and creative abilities. Based on psychological and pedagogical literature, the authors emphasize the importance of pedagogical and organizational support for students’ project activities. Considering the project assignment, the project learning leader (instructor) forms project teams and participates in supporting the student project team, ensuring its development as a cohesive unit.

A software platform for supporting project activities has been developed for the Project Learning Organization Center at Cherepovets State University — a web service designed for communication between the client and the executor, as well as for supporting the work of the Project Learning Organization Center staff at the stages of project management: initiation, planning, management, and control. The web service is developed using the Moodle educational electronic course management system. It includes four categories of users: administrator, instructor (project learning leader), student, and external client. This solution allows for the support of project-based learning, considering the interests of students, project learning leaders, clients, and the educational organization.

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Investigating the causes of speech disorders in children (perinatal aspects)


Speech disorders in children are a current issue of modern times, primarily because speech is a central cognitive function, without which the development of other mental processes, including thinking, is impossible. Speech development disorders in children can lead to difficulties in various areas in the future. This underscores the relevance of studying the causes of speech disorders in children and analyzing the factors influencing their occurrence. The aim of the research was to study the gender differences in the causes of speech disorders in children. A review and analysis of the literature on the problem were conducted. It was found that researchers consider perinatal factors among the significant causes of speech disorders. A retrospective analysis of the medical and educational documentation of children (n = 300) with disabilities, including severe speech disorders, was carried out. As a result, potential risk factors of the perinatal period influencing the occurrence of speech disorders in children were identified, and a gender analysis of these causes was conducted. Taking into account the identified risk factors, along with the early detection of deviations in a child’s psychomotor and speech development, will allow for the timely initiation of medication therapy and corrective work.

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