Idea of Home in Alexander Pushkin's “Eugene Onegin”
The article analyses the important cultural universal my means of the oppositions: home — peace; home — freedom, home — happiness in literary and historical context. This approach allows determining the affiliation of characters to the opposite axiological systems, which creates new opportunities for the interpretation of the ...
The adaptation of cardiovascular system of primary school pupils
This article presents the results of research on the dynamics of cardiovascular system adaptation mechanisms in primary school pupils according to the indices of vegetative and myocardial of haemodynamic homeostasis.
1. Безруких М. М., Сонькин В. Д., Фарбер Д. А. Возрастная физиология. М., 2007.
2. Агаджанян Н. А., Баевский Р. М., Берсенева А. П. Проблемы адаптации и учение о здоровье : учеб. пособие. М., 2006.
3. Баевский Р. М., Иванов Г. Г., Чирейкин Л. В. и др. Анализ вариабельности сердечного...