Prison topos as an anti-home in V.G. Korolenko’s short story Yashka
... of studying the category of home, which actualizes essential spiritual and moral meanings, and its variant, the anti-home. Analyzing the spatial organization of V. G. Korolenko’s story Yashka reveals that the vertical and horizontal arrangement of prison cells forms the traditional oppositions of “top — bottom” and “right — left” characteristic of Slavic mythology. A corresponding character system is constructed: the protagonist, Yakov, who disturbs everyone with his loud, persistent ...
A witness for the prosecution. Stanislav Dubel's testimony at the trial of Rudolf Hess
The article analyzes the life of former Polish prisoner of the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz Stanislaw Dubiel (1910—?), who between 1942 and 1944 worked as a gardener at the villa of the Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss, and subsequently became one of the main prosecution witnesses at his ...
The secret of Moritzfelde
... системы после окончания Второй мировой войны. М., 2011.
18. Шикунов В. С. Кража и ответственность. Минск, 1971.
Aleksandrov K.
Wehlau, Holters's group, Insterburg, Maltsev, Moritzfelde, prisoners of war, Russian volunteers in Luftwaffe, Holters, Tarnovsky's squadron
Human Resources of Post-war Lithuania and Their Role in the Rebuilding of Klaipeda
... results. The appeals to the Centre with the request to send a substantial number of specialists and workers to Lithuania were heard, but a state ravaged by war did not have sufficient human resources. One of the solution was the use of labour of German prisoners of war. A network of prisoner-of-war camps was established in Lithuania. In a matter of two to three years, PWs completed a significant amount of work aimed at the rebuilding of important infrastructural objects. The case of Klaipeda is used ...