Operational thinking in the structure of the diagnostic thinking of a modern teacher-psychologist
Diagnostic thinking is a vital professional component of many occupations, in particular, of a teacher-psychologist. The purpose of the study was to identify the place and role of various mental operations in the structure of diagnostic search carried ...
Systematic Integrated Diagnostics of Teacher’s Readiness for Learner Centred Approach Realisation
The article offers the criterion characteristics of the efficient adopting of learner-centred approach by a teacher and analyses the results of the diagnostics of teachers’ readiness for learner-centred interaction.
Лукьянова М.
Готовность учителя к реализации личностно ориентированного подхода в педагогической ...
Healthy lifestyle behaviour in children and youth: diagnostics results
This article focuses on the results of health behavior diagnostics among children, teenagers and young adults studying within the educational system, as well as the role of the social institution of education in the healthcare of rising generation.
здоровья в Европе: всемирная ...
The technology of students’ knowledge correction on the basis of pedagogical diagnostics
... conceptual models. The technology of students’ knowledge correction developed on the basis of this model is intrinsic to the technology of module education with the test/rating system if knowledge control and assessment. The article describes the content, diagnostic, and procedural components of the technology. An important element of the diagnostic component is correcting diagnostics, which does not have a control function. It is shown that that the technology has the following new features: systemic ...
Healthy lifestyle behaviour of students: problem areas
On the basis of diagnostics performed, this article discusses the problem areas of health behavior in children, teenagers, and young adults stydying within the educational system.
Кучма В.
Р., Сухарева С.
Состояние здоровья ...
The ulrasonographic semiotics of diffuse liver disease: Verification using the point shear-wave elastography
... force impulse elastography in chronic hepatitis C // World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2014. Vol. 20 (5). P. 1289—1297.
26. Sarvazyan A. P., Rudenko O. V., Swanson S. D. et al. Shear wave elasticity imaging: A new ultrasonic technology of medical diagnostics // Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 1998. Vol. 24 (9). P. 1419—1435.
27. Health statistics and information systems // World Health Organisation : [сайт]. URL:
(дата обращения: ...
Case technologies as a means of assessing the skills of students in China and Russia
... knowledge acquired and used. This creates the need to apply relevant tools for assessing students’ skills that meet the demands of societal expectations. The novelty of the research lies in the lack of studies conducting a comparative analysis of diagnostic tools aimed at evaluating the learning outcomes of Chinese and Russian students, used in both countries. The purpose of the study is to examine the experience of using and integrating case-based technologies to assess students’ skills in ...
The psychological potential of beach volley-ball players depending on their sport qualification
... волейбол: руководство. М., 2004. С. 325.
Fetisova S., Fokin A., Melnikova T.
beach volleyball; competitive activity; volleyball; visual-motor coordination; temperament; identity of athlete; conflict; rivalry; intellect; thinking; diagnostics
The impact of family education on the development of mental health in a primary school student within pedagogical process
... психического здоровья детей на современном этапе развития общества // Психологическая га¬зета. 1997. № 10 (25).
Alieva M.
education, anxiety, educational process, psychological health, diagnostics
Correction of students’ knowledge in lectures
... учеб. пособие. Минск, 2002.
9. Сорокопуд Ю. В. Педагогика высшей школы : учеб. пособие. Ростов н/Д, 2011.
Artishcheva E., Bryzgalova S.
lecture, knowledge correction, pedagogical diagnostics, knowledge correction test
Primary school teachers’s attitude to the formation of psychological health: An empirical study
...., Алимпиева А. В. Охрана здоровья и образование: институциональный подход : монография. Калининград, 2011. Ч. 2.
Alieva M.
social , education, psychological health, diagnostics
Social representations of healthy eating: an empirical study
... Алимпиева А. В. Охрана здоровья и образование: институциональный подход : монография. Калининград, 2011. Ч. 2.
Kolbasina K.Yu.
social representations, healthcare, healthy nutrition, diagnostics
The correction of university students’ knowledge as a subject of pedagogical studies
... Тарасенкова Н. А. Використання знаково-символьних засобів у навчанні математики. Черкаси, 2002.
Artischeva Ye.K., Bryzgalova S.I.
knowledge correction, didactic control, pedagogical diagnostics, university training process.
The monitoring of university education quality in the context of competence model of training
... Известия Российского государственного педагогического университета им. А. И. Герцена. 2007. Вып. 43.
Polupan K.
quality, education quality, competence approach, monitoring, diagnostics, control, control technologies, individual learning paths.
The attitude of university students towards health behaviour in the context of nutrition: empirical research
... Винокуров Ф. Н. Лояльность потребителей как социальная установка // Психологические исследования. Т. 5, № 23.
Kolbasina K., Alimpiyeva A.
attitude, healthcare, health behavior, diagnostics.
Role of Knowledge Improvement Tests in the System of Pedagogical Diagnostic Methods
The article deals with the application of knowledge improvement tests in the framework of main university activities. The author shows that the tests offered correspond to the system of pedagogical diagnostics as a method of knowledge improvement and contribute to the solution of the individualised training problem.
Артищева Е.
О структуре психолого-педагогической диагностики в учебном ...
The development of emotional culture in primary school children
... культура человека: теоретические основы и методика формирования. Саранск, 2007.
Romanova O. M.
emotional culture, primary school children, directions of emotional culture development,
experiment, diagnostics of emotional culture.
Methodology of profiling
... criminal and profiling, the methods used by profiling and the portrait, as well as their objectives. The author analyzes the method of geographic profiling, as well as the possibilities of its application in domestic science and practice. The concept of diagnostic profiling and the main directions of its application are defined.
Abramovskiy A. A.
profiling, search for a criminal, searching portrait, psychological portrait of a criminal, methodology, forensic diagnostics
Clinical cases, pathogenesis and diagnosis of catatonia in affective disorders (depression and mania) in adolescents
Catatonia is an important syndrome found in both psychiatry and general medicine. However, identification and treatment of this phenomenon is difficult without modern diagnostic scales for catatonia.
Purpose — to describe the cases of inhibited and excitable catatonia in adolescents with affective disorders.
Methods — clinical observation in accordance with the ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for affective disorders ...