Case technologies as a means of assessing the skills of students in China and Russia
... affects the technologies being integrated into nearly every aspect of human life. These trends result in the continuous and rapid changes in the content of the knowledge acquired and used. This creates the need to apply relevant tools for assessing students’ skills that meet the demands of societal expectations. The novelty of the research lies in the lack of studies conducting a comparative analysis of diagnostic tools aimed at evaluating the learning outcomes of Chinese and Russian students,...
Psychoemotional state of medical students involved in providing medical care under the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic
... measures are difficult working conditions that require the highest degree of mobilization and dedication from the specialists of a medical institution. Due to the acute shortage of medical personnel in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, many medical students were involved in the fight against the new coronavirus infection, for which most of them were not ready. Any stressful situation, especially of such intensity as the current pandemic, always inevitably leads to the destruction of the usual way ...
Screening diagnostics of the psycho-emotional state of students in higher education system
Positive emotional state of students in the system of higher education is one of the most important factors that contribute to good mental health, the development of educational programs and the prevention of aggressive and deviant behavior of students. One of the determining factors ...
On some challenges in teaching foreign language to visually impaired children
This article focuses on challenges in teaching a foreign language to visually impaired students. The target questions include the acquisition of meaning, concept development, as well as interpersonal and cross-cultural communication. The author proposes optional ways of overcoming these problems during foreign language lessons for visually ...
The healthy lifestyle idea of students of humanities
The article presents the results a study into the healthy lifestyle ideas of students of humanities. The author analyses the students’ understanding of the term «health» and the healthy lifestyle factors. The article reviews the main sources of healthy lifestyle information used by students. The author considers the students’ ...
Schoolchildren’s health protection in the condition of inclusive education: The problems and the ways to solve them
This article addresses the problems of health protection of schoolchildren with special needs in the conditions of inclusive education. The author considers the structure of social attitudes of teachers, students, parents, children with disabilities, and regular students to the teaching activities in the inclusive educational situation and its role in students’ health protection. The article emphasised the need to develop the concept and strategy for ...
The phased elements of the motivation process as a theoretical framework for the determination of students’ professional motivation ation
This article examines the motivation theories underlying the definition analysis. The problem of formulating the scientific notion of “students’ professional motivation” is presented with the help of the analysis of author’s definitions of students’ professional motivation. The author offers schemes of formulating both general notions and the notion of students’ professional ...
Fairy tales as a psychotherapeutic method to develop resilience in students with special needs
This article addresses the use of fairy tale technique in psychotherapy used to develop resilience as a personal psychological trait in students with special needs. Using parables as literary references, the authors describe the process of producing mottos through semantic compression. Special attention is paid to techniques of identifying keywords and tacking questions. These techniques ...
The social representations of Russian and Polish students as regards induced termination of pregnancy
This article presents the results of a cross-cultural study into the social representations of Russian and Polish university students as regards induced termination of pregnancy. The sample included 100 respondents divided into four groups. The study relies on the structural approach to the theory of social representations. The structure of social representations is examined ...
Sociocultural factors of cross-cultural sensitivity in university students
This article presents a theoretical analysis of the social-cultural factors contributing to the development of intercultural sensitivity of university students. The social environment of students’ training plays an important role in the development of intercultural sensitivity. Of special importance are three aspects: the size of the city or the type of the urban environment where students are study ...
A comparative analysis of physical fitness in students of Kaliningrad schools by age groups
This article analyzes the monitoring of physical fitness of students of Kaliningrad educational institutions. The authors examine the indicators of basic physical qualities of students by age groups. The main trends and differences in the levels of physical fitness and development of physical qualities are identified....
The physical activity of primary school students of the city of Krasnoyarsk
Physical activity is a factor of healthy lifestyle development. This article focuses on the physical activity of primary school students of the city of Krasnoyarsk. The authors discuss various reasons for leading an active (sports classes, yard games) or a passive (resting at the computer or a game console, watching TV) lifestyle among Krasnoyarsk primary school students in view ...
On the essence and mechanisms of non-verbal communications in a language class at a school for the visually impaired
In this article, I analyse the significance of using non-verbal communication when teaching languages to visually impaired students. I consider in the context of learning activities the malfunctions and distortions of non-verbal behaviour mechanisms in blind and visually impaired students. I present my earlier tested strategy for overcoming physical, psychological, and language ...
Sensitivity to cultural differences in students with different cross-cultural experience
... offers a theoretical justification of the problem of intercultural sensitivity and analyses Russian and international approaches to studying the phenomena. The author presents the results of an empirical study into the in-tercultural sensitivity of students with different experiences of interacting with representatives of other cultures and ethnic groups. It is shown that a higher intercultural sensitivity is characteristic of students with a more than 10 years’ experience in cross-cultural interactions....
Motivating students of secondary vocational educational institutions in the field of services to participate in sport
This article focuses on motivating students of secondary vocational edu-cation institutions in the field of services to participate in sport both as part of the curriculum and as an extracurricular activity. The author stresses the significance of physical education for the development ...
The technology of students’ knowledge correction on the basis of pedagogical diagnostics
This article is devoted to the little studied problem of correction of university students’ knowledge. The author describes the essence and features of knowledge correction in the educational process at university, its structural and conceptual models. The technology of students’ knowledge correction developed on the basis of this ...
Language identification of foreign language students
This article focuses on the use of questionnaire methodology for language identification of foreign language students at a multicultural school.
An accurate classification of students requires testing proficiency in Russian as a foreign language.
1. Азимов Э. Г., Щукин А. Н. Новый словарь методических терминов ...
The formation of healthcare culture in students in a health preserving learning environment of a university
This paper justifies the formation of healthcare culture in students in the conditions of health protecting educational environment of a university as a pedagogical problem. The author emphasizes the connection between the cul-tural development of students’ personalities and the improvement of their health through ...
Special features of morphofunctional indicators of students of primary schools of the city of Gomel
This article offers a comparative analysis of physical development and functional condition of primary school students of Gomel (Belarus) educational institutions and corresponding indicators. Sufficient information on the issue will make it possible to adjust the content and orientation of physical training of primary school students.
Баранов A....
Formation of Students’ Psychophysical Qualities
The article considers the psychophysical state and motivation for attendance at physical training classes of the students of Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University. The author considers aikido as a method of psychophysical quality development, which contributes to the successful academic performance and further professional activity of students.
Бальсевич ...
The role of pedagogical support in the personal development of students of higher educational institutions
Problems of development of the person of students of high school are considered. Necessity of introduction of pedagogical support is described, its importance is analysed, target orientations are designated, stages of pedagogical support of students are allocated.
Давыдов В.
Determination of students personality type and its impact on the quality of learning
The article presents the results of a study on the influence of students’ personality types on the quality of education, based on the example of the “Public and Municipal Administration” degree program. The study proposed and tested a hypothesis regarding the statistically significant relationship between a ...
Export of Russian education to BRICS countries: trends and prospects in current circumstances
... economy. Russia has also acknowledged the importance of exporting education, consistently implementing measures to promote Russian education in the international market. Despite the recent surge in interest in Russian education amongst international students, there is a risk that this trend could change dramatically due to the global crisis and the current geopolitical situation. This contribution considers BRICS countries — Brazil, India, China and South Africa — as key markets for Russian education ...
On implementing the professional retraining program «Oligofrenopedagogics» in a hybrid format
... this reason, the professional retraining program “Oligophrenopedagogics” has been designed and implemented in Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. The core points of the program include the questions relevant to professional readiness to teach students with health disabilities and teachers’ inclusive culture. All of them are aimed at gaining the teachers’ competence “to be able to tackle strategic, tactical and operative challenges in inclusive education taking into account the special ...
Literary texts in German classes with PhD students: The interdisciplinary aspect
This article is an attempt at a conceptual interpretation of the scientific paradigm in modern prose and the possibility of using it in discussions in German classes with PhD students. Fragments from Hans Konsalik’s Jour-ney to Tierra del Fuego and Daniel Kehlman’s Measuring the World are used to this end. The biographies of scientists — as shown through literary characters — can serve as a basis for role models for ...