Between faith and disbelief: the theme of life and death in Yu. N. Ivanov’s novel Dances in the Crematory: Ten Episodes from the Life of Königsberg
In exploring the themes of life and death in Yu. N. Ivanov’s novel Dances in the Crematory, I carry out a structural-semantic analysis of the fragmentary chronotope and the ideational- thematic and plot-compositional levels of the novel. I demonstrate that the principle of fragmentarity ...
Transformation of life strategies of the individual under the conditions of armed conflict
The author investigates the transformation of life strategies of people living in the area of armed conflict in Donetsk People’s Republic. Due to difficult life circumstances, civilians in the area of armed conflict lose their life goals and priorities, and their attitudes and value orientations ...
The healthy lifestyle idea of students of humanities
The article presents the results a study into the healthy lifestyle ideas of students of humanities. The author analyses the students’ understanding of the term «health» and the healthy lifestyle factors. The article reviews the main sources of healthy lifestyle information used by students. The author considers the students’ assessment of their own lifestyle, as well as the evaluationof the role of healthy lifestyle in the course of development of the image of a modern person.
1. Здоровье молодёжи...
The use of MOS-SF-36 health survey for identifying specific psychological characteristics in primary school students with somatic pathologies
This article reports the results of a study into the quality of life of younger students with the help of MOS-SF-36 survey. Its information capacity is proved in case of identifying the psychological health components of health in children who suffered from iron deficiency anemia at a younger age. The author identified ...
The non-realistic meaning of life as a determinant of personality development crisis
This article theoretically and empirically analyses the regularities of emergence and course of existential crisis caused by the acceptance and the attempts at implementation of non-realistic meaning of life.
Абульханова-Славская К.
Стратегия жизни. М., 1991.
Каракозов Р.
Организация смыслопоисковой активности человека как условие ...
Gender differences in quality of life in the population of a northern regions depending on the field of employment
This article analyses quality of life determined by the health of working-age population of a northern region. The authors identify latent factors affecting the quality of life in men and women engaged in mental and manual labor. Differences in the self-assessment of quality of life ...
Megatrends in the socionatural development of the world and the transofmration of biosphere life
... development of a producing economy in the world. Following the ideas of V. I. Vernadsky on socionatural development of the world, the author analyses the key megatrends unveiling the contradictory nature of social progress. The development of social life leads to the demise of natural one. The author sug¬gests ways of preserving and developing the biosphere life.
1. Араб-Оглы Э. А. Обозримое будущее. Социальные последствия НТР: год 2000. М.,...
The hagiographic genre of the life of Alexander (Plutarch’s Comparative biographies)
The article describes the main features of the hagiographic genre in the Life of Alexander from Plutarch’s Comparative Biographies. I use the comparative, reverse and structural-semantic methods to analyse the biography of Alexander the Great, the images of the protagonist and the narrator, the unreality and the deification ...
Unlocking the potential of the educational process at university colleges for cultivating a culture of life safety
... ‘potential’, ‘society’, and ‘potential of the educational process’. A model of educational potential is proposed and the requirements of the federal state standard for general and professional competencies within the disciplines Fundamentals of Life Safety and Life Safety in students of technology is examined. The study uncovers and examines forms of educational and extracurricular activities, delineates the principles behind the structure of educational potential and identifies three components ...
The physical activity of primary school students of the city of Krasnoyarsk
Physical activity is a factor of healthy lifestyle development. This article focuses on the physical activity of primary school students of the city of Krasnoyarsk. The authors discuss various reasons for leading an active (sports classes, yard games) or a passive (resting at the computer or a game console, watching TV) lifestyle among Krasnoyarsk primary school students in view of social family background and the parents' example of sports activities. The lifestyle criteria presented can be helpful...
Cultural and leisure activities in the Kaliningrad region in the second half of 1940s—1980s
The article analyses cultural life and leisure activities in the Kaliningrad region during the Soviet period. The concepts of “leisure”, “free time” at different times were different in contents. On the one hand, leisure was understood as time when people recharged after hard ...
Methods for assessing the quality of life of Russian urban youth
In this article, I carry out a critical analysis of the existing methods for assessing the quality of life of cities and propose a method for assessing Russian cities as experienced by youth. The main result of this study is a method that can be used by municipal authorities in preparing strategic planning documents. I conclude that the existing methods ...
Quality of life and its social and environmental indicators
This article presents social and environmental indicators of life quality affecting the health of population. The authors focus on the dynamics of such diseases as tuberculosis, HIV infection, and malignant neoplasms. The factors determining the unfavourable situation relating to life quality and disease rate in ...
Levels of context: how textual analysis becomes discourse analysis: the case of Internet lifestyle media
Today the so-called problem of discourse should boil down to (1) identifying relevant contextual variables, (2) matching these to specific linguistic categories, and (3) operationalizing the former vis-à-vis the latter. Having posited this, the purpose of the article is twofold. In a more theoretical sense, the purpose is to outline one possible model of context each 'tier' of which is potentially related to certain linguistic categories and linguistic analytical toolkits. The suggested model has...
Psychological health of senile men and women during the COVID-19 pandemic
... age in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample consisted of 100 respondents aged 74 to 98, living in a family and in a nursing home. Negative characteristics of psychological health in men and women of senile age were revealed: low level of life satisfaction, low mental activation and emotional tone, high level of stress. A higher level of anxiety and more pronounced depressive tendencies were found in respondents living in a nursing home. The significance of differences was assessed using ...
Prince Mikhail of Tver in Ryleev’s Duma and in the Russian Historiography: the Path to Sainthood
... structure. The article reveals a number of important details that differ the duma’s plot from the original historical source. Focusing on the antithesis between true and false values the research examines the oppositions freedom — captivity and life — honour. A careful examination of the protagonist’s image shows that his idealization was meant by the poet: the character is depicted as a real hero led by the Biblical values and willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of his motherland....
«Only when asleep you feel alive»: life and death in the Russian linguocultural consciousness (based on Russian proverbs and sayings)
The article describes the set of maxims, revealing the attitude to life and death, typical for the Russian linguistic-cultural consciousness, on the basis of Russian proverbs and sayings. The author explains the specificity of these maxims, and provides an additional interpretation of several examples. In conclusion,...
A study into the structure of academic and professional abilities of students of the life safety field of study
... cognitive-intellectual and cognitive-motor components of students' abilities. The research is aimed at the development and implementation of a principally new technique of complex psychodiagnostics of academic and professional abilities of students of the Life Safety field of study, the mathematical and statistical elaboration of their structure, and the targeted formation of the core components of these abilities in order to develop "human capital" and professional competence in students.