IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2010 Issue №8

The Instruciton of Vladimir Monomakh as a confession and self-report: On the problem of interpretation


The genre of the Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh is considered as a "deed" and "confession and selfreport" (M. Bakhtin) and is related to the fact that the way a text is created is determined by non-literary considerations; the internal plot unfolds as a confession. The creation of the Instruction is interpreted as a deed, which determines the way to salvation for a lay prince.

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The theme of the female in the novels of Charles Brockden Brown


This article is devoted to the oeuvre of the American author of the beginning of the 19th century Charles Brockden Brown who, being little known to the Russian reader, is considered in the USA the father of gothic novel. Addressing the problem of social and legal dependence in post-revolutionary America, Ch. B. Brown takes part in the formation of the new national ideology.

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Thanatological endings in the short stories of F. Sologub


This article is devoted to the problem of ending in a literary work. Thanatological motifs are among the most widespread finales in the world literature. The article deals with the characteristic features of such endings, their typology determined by the nature of death, the narrative structure of plot situations, and the modality of motifs. The research is based on short stories by F. Sologub, who often addressed this theme.

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