Kant’s Asynchronicity Concerning Newtonian Space and Gravity in his Pre-Critical Writings
... more adequate view on Kant’s natural philosophy and in particular his relation towards Newton. But the discussion that evolved did not point to the asynchronicity that takes place in Kant’s struggle with the central Newtonian concepts. Newtonian space and gravity, in revised form, are of central concern to Kant’s critical philosophy. But Kant adapted and re-evaluated these two concepts in an asynchronous way. While Kant tries to integrate a notion of gravity into his theory of matter in his ...
Modern understanding of ‘geoeconomic position’ and the Saint Petersburg agglomeration
... possible to consider the Saint Petersburg coastal region (Baltic Area) as a whole. The article sets out not only to verify, confirm, and explain the features of the geoeconomic position of the coastal region, but also to describe the contiguous geoeconomic space. The position of the St. Petersburg coastal region is of crucial importance for ensuring a steady growth of regional economy, the propagation of industrialization impulses, and modernization in the heart of Russian Northwestern macroregion. At the ...
Ideas about private space boundaries and tact in Russian communicative culture: results of a sociolinguistic experiment
... tact and tactlessness in Russian communicative culture.
The author considers the concept of tact to be a communicative strategy within the category of politeness that is closely related to native speakers' notion about the boundaries of private space. Thus, tact is defined as a communicative strategy driven by the speaker's desire to avoid infringing on the private space of their interlocutor. Moreover, ideas about the boundaries of private space and tact are among the most significant elements ...
Spatial poetics of the story “Number 13” by M. R. James
The article is dedicated to the spatial organization of the novel by M. R. James “Number 13”, published in his first book of collected stories. A shift in the poetical paradigm is noted: the transition from traditional Gothic topoi to modern urban space. According to the Gothic view on the distant past and antiquity, certain architectural features are ascribed to the reinterpreted Gothic topoi. In he novel, space does not only function as an arrangement of the hero’s inner state, but also as ...
On the problem of interpreting the concept of SPACE in Russian and foreign linguistics
This article considers the relationship between the TIME and SPACE concepts. The features of modeling space parameters in human cognitive ac-tivities and the universal ways of verbalization of space structures and attri-butes are analyzed. The research is focused on the theory of primary and se-condary space deixis ...
“Bavaria, which I will never forget”: to the image of German space in “Travel letters from England, Germany and France” by Nikolay Gretch
The paper deals with images of Bavarian space based on the travelogue “Travel letters from England, Germany and France” by Nikolay Gretch from the imagological and semiotic points of view. The representation of the metropolitan and provincial imagery of Bavaria is analyzed. Its liminality,...
Space and Time as A Priori Forms in the Works of Hermann Cohen and Ivan Lapshin
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the need to rethink the status of space and time which Kant considered to be a priori forms of sensibility was prompted by the emergence of new approaches to the methodology of scientific cognition. In neo-Kantian interpretation these cognitive forms acquire a special epistemological ...
Visual text of medieval Vladimir: the analysis of the dominant image of cathedral exteriors
The article attempts to determine the conceptual foundations for analyzing the influence of the artistic design of the temples of medieval Vladimir on the formation of the urban sacred space. The study aims to use the example of Vladimir during the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky and Vsevolod III to substantiate the city-forming significance of exterior sculptural programs as a visual text that encodes the key parameters of the semantic ...
Reception of Kant’s Epistemological Ideas in Fyodor Golubinsky’s Metaphysics
Kant’s views on space and time as well as his doctrine of the categories of understanding attracted the attention of thinkers belonging to the Russian spiritual-academic philosophical tradition of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A prominent representative ...
The intertexteme as an instrument in the past — present — future dialogical space of urbanism practices: an intersemiotic analysis of graffiti and inscriptions in Gdansk and Kaliningrad
This paper discusses intertextual and intervisual tools for creating the past — present — future dialogic axis in urban practices, using the example of graffiti and inscriptions in Gdansk and Kaliningrad. The authors describe the urban space as an object of research, give a definition of the urban inscription, characterize the semiotic nature of the latter, consider terminology problems relating to the category of intertextuality, and broadly interpret the intertexteme as a tool ...
Poetic figurativeness as a foreign culture cognition instrument
The article analyzes the metaphorical conceptualization of intercultural space in French and Russian lyric poetry of the 20th and 21st centuries. The research goal is to determine the cognitive potential of poetic imagery as a means of exploring the space of another culture. Based on classical (S. A. Askoldov, A. J. Greimas) ...
Inclusive educational space: A SWOT analysis
This article considers education as a phenomenon of inclusive educational space. The notion of “inclusive educational space” is defined, its general and specific characteristics are outlined, and the principles of organizing an inclusive educational space are formulated. Special attention is paid to the results of a SWOT-analysis ...
Brothers “in the fifth season of the year, the sixth sense and the fourth dimension”: the space of heaven in the poetical world of M. Tsvetaeva
The space of heaven in the poetic world of M. Tsvetaeva is considered as a hierarchically and semantically complex space structure. The author identifies the specific features of the heaven spacium levels and describes the three main tiers of heaven, namely,...
On the mathematical modeling of the space of mental images
This article stresses the need to use a mathematical model of the space of mental images in psychology, medicine, and other sciences. The author identifies the relation between such space and the space-time of physics. The article shows opportunities for structuring the space and introducing different types of metrics ...
Between Kant and Trendelenburg: On the Genealogy of Kudryavtsev-Platonov’s Theory of Cognition
... nineteenth century whose theory of cognition bears an imprint of the Kantian theoretical philosophy. Kudryavtsev was not only thoroughly familiar with the Königsberg thinker’s work, but offered a critically reinterpreted version of Kant’s teaching on space, time and categories of understanding. But was the Russian philosopher original in his reading and critique of Kant? In his later works Kudryavtsev often cites the works of Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg whose works turn out to be very close to the ...
Trägheit und Raum: Kant und Euler
... influenced by Newton’s Principia. However, a closer look makes it clear that Kant’s project has also been influenced by other thinkers. One of these thinkers is Leonard Euler. His work was of great influence for Kant, not only with regards to his view on space and inertia but on the relation between metaphysics and natural science in general. Even though Euler’s Physics built on Newton’s work, he differs from him in fundamental regards, leading to crucial developments inside classical mechanics. Here ...