Studies of the Orthodox canon law in the Baltic area in the second half of the 19th/early 20th centuries
This article analyses the emergence of canon law as a science and academic discipline in the Baltic area in the second half of 19th/early 20th centuries. The author emphasizes the role of the Tartu University in the organizational development of ecclesiastical law in legal education system ...
The Instruciton of Vladimir Monomakh as a confession and self-report: On the problem of interpretation
... формаций. М., 2008.
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Dorofeeva L. G.
Instruction, Vladimir Monomakh, genre, canon, old Russian literature, confession
The features of the Last Judgement theme in Galich icons at the threshold of the Modern Age
... Львiв, 1914.
15. Цодикович В. К. Семантика иконографии «Страшного суда» в русском искусстве XV—XVI вв. Ульяновск, 1995.
Galich icon painting, traditional iconography, icon canon, iconographic innovations
Shamardina N.