The cognitive model of ‘NARCISSISM’ as represented in Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray
This article aims to describe the linguistic features of explicating the cognitive model of ‘NARCISSISM’ in Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. Methodologically, the study draws on cognitive salience theory, dealing with elements such as trajectory and landmark when analysing the verbalisation of the model in question....
Using the modelling method in investigating criminal fires
This article addresses the relevant issues of using the modelling method in investigating criminal fires and classifies it. The authors identify the modelling and reconstruction methods in the system of criminal fire investigation. An analysis of the correlation between modelling and reconstruction is conducted....
Events as a semantic framework for the construction of reality: the prospects of a transition to a dynamic ontology
... events. In this context, we justify a transition to a constructive-dynamic ontological paradigm. We identify the functions of an event that consists in the creation, management, and destruction or reality. We demonstrate the need for a constructive model of a special event—a model taking into account the temporal factor in the development of reality. The second problem concerns the development of theoretical (mathematical) tools to describe such dynamics. In this connection, we identify the mathematical ...
Commodity flow model for an exclave region: Rent-seeking in the ‘transitional period’ of the special economic zone
This article focuses on a commodity flow model for an exclave region (CFMER). The CFMER development is aimed at identifying aggregate proportions of the exclave’s economy in the transitional period of the special economic zone (SEZ) functioning. The key method of analysis is the comparison ...
An algorithm for assessing the development of pro-fessional competences in the military (MATLAB modelling)
This paper describes the design and theoretical algorithm of assessing the level of professional competences in the military based on modelling in matlab fuzzy logic toolbox. The presented method of fuzzy modelling makes it possible to improve the modelling of different educational objects and processes and takes into account the human factor. In education, the method can be more effective ...
Knowing humanity without knowing the human being: The structure of polemic in Kant’s political argumentation
... grim opinion of human nature, tries to dissuade politicians and instil moderate optimism in them. The article collates and systemises politicians’ and lawyers’ ideas of humans, the world, and politics. According to Kant’s philosophy of law, the model of an ideal society can be pictured as a mechanism. However, his philosophy of history and politics claims the opposite, inclining towards organicism. The methodological framework for argumentation analysis is V. Bryushinkin’s ‘cognitive approach’....
Theoretical aspects of the model for the formation of legal competence of a specialist in the senior crews officers in a maritime university
Theoretical justification for the model of legal competence formation for senior crew officers is based on a competency-based approach, particularly relevant in the context of legal training for naval cadets. The proposed component structure of the model for legal competence formation ...
Collaborative on-line learning
On the basis of the analysis of recent foreign research, the author traces theoretical preconditions of on-line learning. The discovery model as well as guided discovery model is considered. Computer-supported collaborative learning is viewed as a synthesis of the following approaches: learner-oriented, constructivist and communicative
R., Reder L.
M., Simon H....
Development of the automatic system based on the three-factor communication model for the extraction and classification of the comments in social media
... strategies used by those involved into risk communication on the governmental regulations on the management of the adverse aftermaths of the crises (on the case of COVID-19 pandemics). In order to extract and classify the set of comments, a three-factor model was developed to classify the texts and comments through S. Hall’s 'encoding/decoding' model, N. Luhmann’s functional subsystems theory, and communicational strategies' types. Using tools for the automatized data extraction we got the texts ...
An “ideal city”, its statics and dynamics
... city’ as a complex socio-biotechnical system both dependent on the scale of it (local, national, global) and its position within the dynamic global whole. Then, the ideal city notion is analyzed in two aspects: as a channel of presentation of a model of future living environment, and as a form of its application to the goal of making (constructing) of quality model of Russian megalopolises safe and comfortable for its inhabitants and visitors. In any case, the harm produced by their social ...
Structural features of upwelling in South-East Baltic
... respectively cold water of width 8 km and placed apart the shore at 8 km had been formed in an area with depth of 25 m. The temperature in the upwelling core had dropped by 4 C. Changes in thermoholine structure due to the gale were simulated by 3D numerical model, based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). By means of numerical simulation it was conformed that features of upwelling space structure depend upon bottom topography in an area of observation, strength of wind velocity and its duration. The dependence ...
Levels of context: how textual analysis becomes discourse analysis: the case of Internet lifestyle media
... variables, (2) matching these to specific linguistic categories, and (3) operationalizing the former vis-à-vis the latter. Having posited this, the purpose of the article is twofold. In a more theoretical sense, the purpose is to outline one possible model of context each 'tier' of which is potentially related to certain linguistic categories and linguistic analytical toolkits. The suggested model has five tiers of contextual variables and two dimensions cutting through the five tiers. These dimensions ...
The Text and Discourse in the Light of Communicative Meaning Formation
This article analyses differences between the static and dynamic interpretations of the text and discourse. The concept of a communicative action (a semiotic act) is considered as the main distinguishing factor that is crucial for the communicative model of text but is ignored within the language model. The communicative (dynamic) model postulates the following: 1) the text is a sequence of verbal elements of communicative actions; 2) the verbal manifestation of an utterance differs fundamentally ...
Network Modelling of Transboundary Cooperation between Russian and Belarusian Regional Enterprises: the case of the Kaliningrad and Grodno Regions
This article examines the development of a new process within Russian-Belarusian-Kazakh integration — interregional transborder cooperation. Network modelling is suggested as a mechanism for its regulation. The authors present a network model of transborder cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus based on the case of the Kaliningrad and Grodno regions. The model is developed ...
Building a model of terminological fields on an example of the “Pelvis injuries” terminological field
This paper is the second one in the series of three papers dealing the modeling of terminological fields. The present paper deals with the practical application of the author’s method for modeling terminological fields (developed in the previous paper) to a particular terminological system to prove its efficiency. The ...
Formation of the future teachers’ readiness to form social interaction abilities in preschool children
The article describes an authentic model of the formation of future teachers’ readiness to facilitate the development of social interaction skills in preschool children. The proposed model meets the requirements of the current standards of professional education. The author describes ...
The development of inclusive preparedness of future teachers: The efficiency of the didactic model
This article presents the results of an experimental study in the development of inclusive preparedness of future university teachers. This process of preparedness development is based on a didactic model implemented using the pedagogical metasubject competence and context-based technology. The author gives an overview of this technology and the mechanisms of its imple-mentation. The efficiency of using this didactic model in developing the inclusive ...