IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2016 Issue №1

Psychology of dreams about the future


This article focuses on the particularities of prophetic dreams, namely, the a priori awareness of the prophetic nature of the dream and its semantics, possible individuality of image semantics, deformation of the temporal sequence of the dream and related event, rootedness in the emotional, and the genetic ability to have prophetic dreams. The study is based on K. Jung’s theory of the unconscious and concept of synchronicity.

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Cognitive and speech characteristics of an author of a mnemonic text


The focus of the article is on various aspects of the creative identity of an author of a mnemonic text represented by the concept of cognitive and communicative subject. The features of the author’s cognitive, communicative, discursive, and linguistic identities are described and the ways of their representation are shown in the case of the memoirs of the Lithuanian writer B. Sruoga Dievų miškas. The term ‘mnemonic discourse’ is introduced as a linguistic phenomenon connecting texts with the general mental and psychological framework of reminiscence and the system of typological signs and similar stylistic features. The interaction between scientific, historical, and art discourses associated with the creation of a mnemonic text is described. The author pays attention to the textual representation of the national and cultural components of mnemonic authors’ linguistic pictures of the world as a crucial component of their self-expression – the main purpose of memoirs.

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Intelligence in the Russian linguistic consciousness


This study focuses on Russian proverbs and sayings containing judgments relating to intellectual activities. Paremiological units are described using frame semantics methods. Research results are interpreted based on the theory of evolutionary epistemology. The study makes it possible to draw conclusions about the relevance of intellectual activity for the Russian language consciousness and the presence of a naïve epistemology in the Russian language picture of the world.

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Metaphoric vectors of time


The article focuses upon cognitive foundations underlying the metaphoric conceptualization of time in the Anglo-American Weltanschauung. Special emphasis is put on basic image schemata underlying time perception and verbalization in the Old English, Middle English and Modern English periods. Lexicographic and textual data are drawn to exemplify cognitive shifts that bring about gradual transformation of the conceptual structure of time metaphors in the Modern English period. The pragmatic shift in the axiological perspective of metaphoric models results in the loss of the inner value-laden meaning of time.

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Peripheral means to express incentive modality in the public service announcement discourse


Public service announcements attract attention to social problems and encourage the general public to solve them, which requires influencing the recipient using speech methods. The means to exert such influence create a functional and semantic field. The authors focus on the periphery constituents of this field, which function in public service announcements in the Russian and German languages.

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Means to express implicit judgements about characters in N. V. Gogol’s poem Dead Souls and its translation into German


Irony is considered as a means to express implicit judgements in N.V. Gogol's poem Dead Souls. The author analyses lexical units comprising the ironic semantics of judgements about characters. Special attention is paid to comparing irony explicators used in the original text and the poem’s translation into German.

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A programming language and translation


The article deals with some issues of translating technical, in particular, programming texts. The author pays special attention to the polysemy of certain English IT terms. An important problem is adapting such terms to the system of the target language. Translators working in IT are required to have extensive expertise in informatics. Only this will guarantee the choice of a translation strategy adequate for the task of pragmatic adaptation.

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