Psychology of dreams about the future
... semantics, possible individuality of image semantics, deformation of the temporal sequence of the dream and related event, rootedness in the emotional, and the genetic ability to have prophetic dreams. The study is based on K. Jung’s theory of the unconscious and concept of synchronicity.
1.Берестнев Г. И. О новом корпусном словаре сновидений // Слово.ру. Балтийский акцент. 2013. №2. С. 35—43.
2.Берестнев Г. И....
‘Conservative symbolism’ in Erich Fromm’s theory of dreams
... Энциклопедия символов. М., 1995.
2. Д. Тресиддер. Словарь символов. М., 1999.
3. Фромм Э. Забытый язык. Ангарск, 1994.
psychology, dream interpretation, symbolism, culture, Freud, Fromm, unconscious, psychoanalysis
Vasilyeva I. Tsvetkova A.
The dream dictionary of G. H. Miller: The structural originality and cognitive models of interpretation
... Топоров В. Н. Яйцо // Там же. С. 681.
5. Smith F. M. Language, the sexes and society. Basеl, 1985.
Berestnev G.
dreams, dream dictionary, semantics, semiotics, metaphor, metonymy, pragmatics, symbol, semantic transformation, the unconscious, gender, culture
The portrait of a dreamer: The problem of language as a sign system of dreams
... Образы сновидений и символические формы культуры //Слово. ру: балтийский акцент. 2013. № 2. С. 53—62.
dream, psychology, cognitive linguistics, psychoanalysis, language personality, the unconscious.
Berestnev G., Tsvetkova A.