The imago image of ‘flowers of evil’: from Charles Baudelaire to Joris-Karl Huysmans
This article examines the image of 'flowers of evil' as an imago image — an imaginary image of a real object. The term 'imago' was first used in this sense by Carl Jung in 1912. The work proposes a novel approach to investigating the image of 'flowers of evil'. The comparative historical, analytical and psychoanalytic methods of text examination revealed that, in his novel À rebours, Huysmans espouses Baudelaire's ...
Linguistics and dream interpretation in C. G. Jung’s works: The discovery of the method
This article examines the mechanisms of dream interpretation used by C. G. Jung. It is shown that they differ in depth. The surface level of linguistic consciousness is the focus of paronomasic connections between words in dream descriptions. Deeper levels are targeted by semantic mechanisms: associative, metaphorical, and metonymical ...
Psychology of dreams about the future
... nature of the dream and its semantics, possible individuality of image semantics, deformation of the temporal sequence of the dream and related event, rootedness in the emotional, and the genetic ability to have prophetic dreams. The study is based on K. Jung’s theory of the unconscious and concept of synchronicity.
1.Берестнев Г. И. О новом корпусном словаре сновидений // Слово.ру. Балтийский акцент. 2013. №2. С. 35—43.
2.Берестнев ...