Peripheral means to express incentive modality in the public service announcement discourse
... методология исследования : монография. URL:
(дата обращения: 04.01.2016).
Sobko T.
public service announcement, discourse, speech influence, incentive, incentive modality
Modality as a way to decode the author’s personality in an ancient Russian masterpiece “The Testament of Vladimir Monomakh”
... Поучении Владимира Мономаха // Вестник Брянского государственного университета. 2014. № 2. С. 274—279.
Vaulina S. S., Serganova D. A.
modality, author’s modality, the meanings of incentive modality, genre specific of the Old Russian texts, testament
Means to express appeal in the public service announcement discourse in the Russian, German, and English languages
... Социальная реклама в России: генезис, жанры, эволюция. М., 2006.
5. Стернин И. А. Основы речевого воздействия. Воронеж, 2012.
Sobko T.
public service announcement, discourse, incentive, appeal, imperative