Psychology of dreams about the future
... individuality of image semantics, deformation of the temporal sequence of the dream and related event, rootedness in the emotional, and the genetic ability to have prophetic dreams. The study is based on K. Jung’s theory of the unconscious and concept of synchronicity.
1.Берестнев Г. И. О новом корпусном словаре сновидений // Слово.ру. Балтийский акцент. 2013. №2. С. 35—43.
2.Берестнев Г. И., Цветкова А. А. Портрет ...
On the problem of acausal semantic coincidences: the cognitive background of omens
... situational semantics in their signifier and signified are revealed. In particular, symbolic substitutions are possible in the signifier, and a sequence of metonymic shifts in the causal field of war in the signified. In general, the phenomenon of synchronicity, considered in connection with the omens of war, is proved to be real. The omens of war are, in fact, a kind of synchronic coincidences in objective reality, subjected to cognitive reformation in the subjective sphere of human mentality....
Semantic invariants of prophetic dreams and signs
... such invariants do exist, and they stay with the other side of the language, belong to the deep sphere of human mentality (unconscious), have a special sign nature (they are both semantic signs and images). From this point of view, the problem of synchronicity — acausal semantic coincidences, is considered. The article suggests that the domain of semantic invariants of dreams will be close to quantum reality, which is of particular interest to researchers today.
1. Бидерманн Г....
Linguistic criteria for the differentiation between signs and superstitions
... Харченко В. К., Тонкова Е. Е. Лингвистика народной приметы. Белгород, 2008.
Berestnev G. I., Boyko L. B.
sign, semiotics, semantics, cognitive linguistics, signs, magic prescriptions, logical analysis, synchronicity