Development of quasi-symbols based on connotations of verbal units meanings
... connotations of verbal sememes can serve as the basis for the development of a quasi-symbol meaning. A quasi-symbol is an element of an intermediate, linguocultural system, generated as a result of close interaction between language and culture. While a symbol is a sign of culture that expresses some idea in an imperative manner, a quasi-symbol is a type of symbol that has a verbal nature. The study has objectified connotations based on the semantics of secondary nomination signs and has shown that connotations,...
Neo-Kantian Question on Method, the Problem of Form and the Meaning of Variability in Gustav Shpet and Ernst Cassirer’s Philosophy
... German tradition and proposed an original project of his own, and then I examine the theory of Ernst Cassirer, an outstanding representative of Neo-Kantianism who in the later period of his work proposed considering the phenomena of the humanities to be symbolic forms closest to the spontaneity of the biological. The common feature of the approaches of the two philosophers is their attempt to preserve the integrity of cognition which is destroyed by mathematisation of the common denominator (ultimate ...
Alchemic symbols as a means of psychoanalytical description in N. Kononov's story «Source of Injury»
The story «The Source of Injury» by Nikolay Kononov is as a psychoanalytic report that has a therapeutic effect for the narrator. The characteristics of the three main characters are considered in terms of their alchemical symbolism. This point of view makes it possible to identify the psychological function of each character as a reflection of a certain aspect of their psyche. Ovechin, whose image is dominated by the solar symbolism, appears as a projection of Ego and ...
On the Semiotic Model of Image
... (prescription and enabling of the future of acts of semiosis, similar to a certain exemplary act). The author explores the relationship between the category of image and a number of similar concepts. In particular, the definitions of the category of symbol (by S. S. Averintsev and Yu. M. Lotman), the category of myth (in the interpretation of R. Barthes) and the concept of meme (by R. Dawkins) are analysed and juxtaposed with the notion of image.
Averintsev, S., 2006. Artistic symbol. In: Sobranie ...
Symbolical interactionism: A methodology for ana-lysing processes in an administrative system
This article considers the role of symbols in the system of social interactions. Symbolical interactionism is examined as a methodological framework for studying administrative practices. The key notion of the concept of symbolical interactionism — “a symbol in the course of interaction” ...
Creative and social imagination in fashion
... structures of identity presentation formation. The concept of creative imagination is considered as a concept distinct from that of artist’s creativity and imagination. The author elucidates the connection between creative imagination and social space and symbolic power systems and analyses the specifics of Russian fashion space.
Андреева А.
Дизайнерские бренды в фэшн-бизнесе. СПб., 2008.
Барт Р.
Система моды. Статьи по ...
‘Conservative symbolism’ in Erich Fromm’s theory of dreams
This article analyses attitudes relevant to dream interpretation according to Fromm. The central element is understanding the image of a dream as a symbol common to both the realm of dreams and culture in general. The key mechanism of symbol formation is cultural- associative, which is a function of human rational thinking. It is suggested that images of dreams should be interpreted from this perspective....
Aspects of anagram functionality in Russian poetry
Anagram, poetic text, symbol, paronomasia, semiotics, diachrony, Russian literature.
1. Генон Р. Символы священной науки. М., 1997.
2. Гущин В. Дмитрий Авалиани: Средневековое доверие к знаку. URL: ...
Antons Austriņš as a translator of Dmitry Merezhkovsky
The transaltions of D. Merezhkovsky’s works into the Latvian langauge by A. Austriņš help analyse the receptions of Russian symbolism in the Latvian culture of the 19th-20th centuries. The author suggests that A. Austriņš’s decision to translate D. Merezhkovsky texts was affected by the historical background of the 1910s – the formation of national ideas in the regions ...
Die Bibel als moralisches Bilderbuch? Kants ‚doktrinale Hermeneutik‘ und ihr Nutzen für die moralische Kultur des Menschen
... a coherent analysis of so-called “doctrinal hermeneutics” by examining notable passages from Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason and the Critique of the Power of Judgment. It is first shown that doctrinal hermeneutics essentially relies on symbolic hypotyposis, which can be understood as thinking by analogy supplemented with a reference to intuition. Here, both an historical and a contemporary interpretation inform the reconstruction of what Kant understands by “symbolic hypotyposis”....