Peculiarities of Kant’s Interpretation of the Term ‘Consequence’
Modern formal logic, which is based on Kant’s logical project, interprets logical consequence as formal, which leads to substantive paradoxes that combine any thoughts at all and so to the loss of consequence as such. Beginning with A. Tarski, modern history of logic ...
Consequences and Design in General and Transcendental Logic
In this article, I consider Kant’s dichotomy between general and transcendental logic in light of a retrospective reconstruction of two approaches originating in 14th century scholasticism that are used to demarcate formal and material consequences. The first approach (e. g., John Buridan, Albert of Saxony, Marsilius of Inghen) ...
Dilemmas of logical hylomorphism
Logical hylomorphism considers logic as a theory of formal relations. However, it is difficult to give a precise definition of these relations due to a multitude of interpretations of formality in logic. This paper acknowledges the dichotomy of the substantial ...
Kant, Gödel, and the problem of synthetic a priori judgements
... mentioned above, it is nevertheless compatible with Gödel’s results. Analysing proofs of existence of synthetic a priori judgements helps demonstrate that a solution to this problem is determined by the implicitly or explicitly accepted image of logic, whose key parameter is the object of logic or, in other worlds, the ideas about the nature of the logical and, therefore, the ideas about the boundaries of logic and mathematics.
1. Bryushinkin V. N., Popova V. S. 2010, Logika v russkom neokantianstve: ...
Logic Manuals for Women in the Late Enlightenment Era
In the focus of my attention there are six German-language textbooks in logic published in the second half of the eighteenth century. What distinguishes these books is that they were all written specially for women. While such works were fairly common in France and Italy during this period, they had something of an exotic ...
“When life was in the home circle” in the conditional reasonings of Fregean mad-humans and logical penalists
We advocate an idea that a necessary condition for a dispute about truth amounts not to the carriers of non-ideal logical thought, but to a variety of approaches to reconstructing the logical form of conditional reasoning, which implies diversification of methods for solving logical tasks. The relevance of the study is conveyed by discussions about logical aliens ...
The central philosophical conception of the creator of logical algebra: On the bicentenary of George Boole
... logical-algebraic and theoretical-probabilistic methods in modelling thought processes. Despite the project’s failure, current developments in computer science and programming have surprisingly confirmed Boole’s ideas on the applicability of rigorous methods of logical calculus in the explication of thought processes.
1. Пушкарский А. Г. Джордж Буль и проблема психологизма в логике // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство ...
Problems of analytic and synthetic propositions in the history of logic
Certain historical facts relating to the history of discussions on the nature of analytic and synthetic propositions in logic are used to demonstrates that the interpretation of their states largely depend on the accepted image of logic.
1. Брюшинкин В. Н., Ходикова Н. А. Теория поиска вывода. Происхождение и философские ...
Gustav Shpet, Immanuel Kant and Terminist Logic
In his book Appearance and Sense Gustav Shpet, comparing Immanuel Kant’s transcendental logic with the traditional probleтs of the philosophy of language, thought it appropriate and conceptually effective to turn to the medieval scholastic debate on universals. Later, in the Hermeneutics and Its Problems, he goes back to this discussion ...
The advantages and disadvantages of the logical approach to the argumentation modelling
This article considers the logical modelling of a set of arguments. The author shows that logic offers normative models, which impose the pre-set structure on the argumentation. The article introduces the notions of macro-, micro-, and mesostructure of argument sets as well as ...
Pure and Impure Philosophy in Kant’s Metaphilosophy
... ‘impure’ philosophy. (As we shall see, in order to be able to address this third project, we shall also need to examine the other two projects in detail.) My plan is as follows. First, I discuss four main areas of pure vs. impure philosophy: (i) ‘pure logic’ vs. ‘applied logic’; (ii) ‘rational psychology’ vs. ‘empirical psychology’; (iii) ‘pure metaphysics of nature’ vs. ‘physics’ and (iv) ‘pure morality’ or a ‘metaphysics of morals’ vs. ‘moral anthropology’, ‘practical ...
Kant's logic and Strawson's metaphysics
This article defines the way of interaction between formal and transcendental logic through introducing ontological considerations based on P. Strawson's descriptive metaphysics. The notions of a particular, a sortal universal and a feature universal are introduced into the transcendental limitation on the inferences of formal ...
Kant’s logic and Strawson’s metaphysics
This article defines the way of interaction between formal and transcendental logic through introducing ontological considerations based on P. Strawson's descriptive metaphysics. The notions of a particular, a sortal universal, and a feature universal are introduced into the transcendental limitation on the inferences of formal ...
Theoretical analysis of fuzzy logic and Q. E. method in economics
This paper analyzes the key elements of fuzzy logic and showes that through rational, behavioral economics and neo-classical economics it is possible to develop models using the Q. E. methodology. Therefore, it is plausible to apply contemporaneous Q. E. methodology in combination with the rationality ...
The history of opposition between formal and dialectical logic in Russian philosophy
This article shows that the opposition between formal and dialectical logic first emerged within Hegel’s dialectical logic. The article shows that in the framework of the division of time into «now» and «not now», the incorrect formal logical description of dialectical opposition disappears. The author comes to a ...
The role of logic and the study of rationality within N. O. Lossky’s ideal-realistic concept
This article focuses on the specific features of N. O. Lossky’s interpretation of certain logical themes. The author shows that it is determined by the ideal-realistic position of the thinker. “Intuitionistic” logic is presented as a philosophical interpretation of traditional logic in the framework of ideal-realistic teaching. N. O. Lossky ...
The logical models of the analytical generalisations and particularisations of concepts
This article examines the procedural structures of operations with concepts and offers the logical models of concept generalisation and particularisation, describes the types of operations, and determines the sources of logical fallacies of natural generalisations and particularisations.
1. Брюшинкин В.
The methodology of history of logic: the synthetic approach
The author justifies the synthetic approach in the methodology of history of logic, which is based on the “image of logic” concept, the principle of methodological dualism, and the porismatic model of science development.
Брюшинкин В.
Аргументация, коммуникация, рациональность ...
Dialektik als Logik des Scheins. Zu Kants Lektüre von Michael Piccarts Isagoge
... contrast to the Königsbergian Aristotelianism (emphasised by Tonelli’s research). To further check the quality of Piccart as a source of Kant’s, a conceptual case-study is elaborated with Kant’s critical distinction between analytics as a “logic of truth” (KrV, B 85) and dialectics as a “logic of illusion” (KrV, B 86). Hereby, dialectics is understood as part of an Aristotelian division of logic in analytics, dialectics and sophistics (Königsberg/Rabe versus Altdorf/Piccart). As ...
The Place of Hermann Cohen’s Ideas in the Philosophy of Dialogue
... anthropology. However, Cohen considers the problem of inter-personal relationships not in isolation, but as an important component of his entire philosophical system. Deduction of the concept of personality in Ethics of Pure Will is based on Cohen’s logic of the origin expounded in the first part of his system in The Logic of Pure Cognition. Cohen explains that the origin of the self-consciousness of I as a personality is not the external world, but another person, i.e. Thou. In turn, the partnership ...
What is transcendental logic?
This article deals with Kant's justification of transcendental logic. The author shows how Kant draws the distinction between general and transcendental logic. The article analyses the essence of the new logic and its place in transcendental philosophy and considers the structural logical elements and their functions....
On logical errors in Kant's table of judgements
This article focuses on the logical inconsistency of Kant's classification of judgements presented in the "Critique of pure reason". The author shows how Kant's division of judgements violates elementary logical rules. The article analyses an earlier attempt by G. Ryle ...
Über die Rolle der Ideen Kants in der Entwicklung der Logik und der universitären Philosophie in Russland
This article analyses the impact of Kant's ideas on the development of logic and University philosophy in Russia. The integrity of philosophy, psychology (pedagogy), and logic until the early 20th century implied that Kant's ideas influenced logic via its philosophical foundations (empiricism versus the rationalistic aspects ...
Transcendental logic and analytic of concepts
This article focuses o the functions, structure and effects of transcendental logic in the Analytic of concepts of Kant's "Critique of pure reason". The author explicates different aspects, rules, principles, the method and procedures of transcendental logic.
1. Брюшинкин В. Н. Взаимодействие ...
I. Kant in the development of N. O. Lossky’s philosophical views: The case of a translation
... characteristics of the new system of intuitivism, which emerged in a discussion of Kant’s epistemological system. The author identifies the key themes of transcendental philosophy that drew special attention of Lossky. These include the fundamental logical issues of the essence of logical connection, the nature of judgement and inference, and that of the synthetic and analytic. The article addresses the interpretation of the concept of ‘intuition’ by Lossky and the influence of this interpretation ...
Kantian and Anti-Kantian Philosophy of Language
... Logik und allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie. Vorlesungen 1917/18, mit ergänzenden Texten aus der ersten Fassung 1910/11. Herausgegeben von U. Panzer. In: Husserliana. Edmund Husserl Gesammelte Werke. Volume XXX. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Husserl, E., 2001a. Logical Investigations. Investigations into Phenomenology and the Theory of Knowledge. Part 1. Volume II, Part I of the German Editions. In: E. Husserl, 2001. Logical Investigations. With a new preface by M. Dummett and edited with a new Introduction ...
The second application of transcendental logic
This article considers the functions, structure and actions of transcendental logic in “The Analytic of Principles” of Kant’s “Critique of pure reason”. The author explicates the specificity, rules, laws and the method of transcendental logic in this sphere of analytic.
1. Кант И. Критика чистого ...
The thinking of nature and the nature of thinking — Cohen on Spinoza
... based on the erro-neous principle of identity. It cancels the possibility of the ethics as prevents the existence of nature distinguished from being of obligation, and over which dominates the necessity of natural laws. This distinction and the union of logic and ethics for Cohen is equally necessary and complemen¬tary. This fundamental principle of critical idealism overcomes Spinoza's pantheism, the reducing ethics to logic and devastating importance of ethics and logic through the metaphysics of ...
The genesis of the subject in syntax as a manifestation of verbal and logical thinking
... разработка и учебные задания к спецкурсу «Грамматическая синонимия». Л., 1984.
Ieronova I., Soskina S.
thinking type, grammatical sentence, in-phrasal and out-phrasal morphology, grammatical categories, logical categories, inference, incidence, communication type, subject formation, cognitive evolution
An algorithm for assessing the development of pro-fessional competences in the military (MATLAB modelling)
This paper describes the design and theoretical algorithm of assessing the level of professional competences in the military based on modelling in matlab fuzzy logic toolbox. The presented method of fuzzy modelling makes it possible to improve the modelling of different educational objects and processes and takes into account the human factor. In education, the method can be more effective that the results of ...
Curriculum development on the basis of interdisciplinary logical link models
This article deals with the methods of curriculum development in the framework of process approach on the basis of interdisciplinary logical link analysis.
и директивы для агентств гарантии качества в высшем образовании на территории Европы // Европейская ассоциация ...
The rhetorical turn in argumentation theory
... focuses on the key aspects of the rhetorical approach developed by Christopher Tindale and emphasizes its significance for modern theory of argumentation. The article examines the historical background of the rhetorical turn and its relation to informal logic and pragma-dialectics. The author argues that it is justified to consider different approaches to argumentation as complementary.
1. Blair J. A. Tindale’s Acts of arguing: A rhetorical model of argument // Informal Logic. 2000. Vol. 20 (2).