IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2010 Issue №6

Eurasianism in the history of Russian thought and Father Georgy Florovsky


This article emphasises the extinction of the classical Euroasian doctrine, which, however, did not become a theoretically substantiated and integral one. This process was hindered, according to G. Florovsky, both by the variety of its genealogical sources, and the attempts of Euroasians to combine scientific-philosophical provisions with ideological attitudes.

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The anarchist philosophy of Alexei Borovoy (on the history of Russian Bergsonianism)


The anarchist philosophy of Alexey Borovoy was developed under the influence of Henri Bergson’s intuition concept. Borovoy brought together the ideas proposed by Bergson, Bakunin, and Sorel. He combined the theory of anarchism and the practice of revolutionary syndicalism. Bergson’s ideas of liberty, creativity, irrationalism, and personalism underlie Borovoy’s anarchist philosophy.

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Anthropological ideas of Immanuel Kant and the problem of interreligious conflicts in the modern society


This article analyses Kant's anthropological ideas, his interpretation of affections and passions of human soul. It is claimed that everything that is inconsistent with reason, including passions and affections, should play a secondary, subordinate role in religion. Religious conflicts should be resolved through an appeal to universal moral values and the decrease in the pressure of religion ideology components that are not directly related to morality.

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The democratic aspects of the notions of "general will" in the social philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, and Sergey Gessen


This article analyses the interrelation between general will and democracy in the philosophical systems of J.-J. Rousseau and I. Kant, their influence on the concept of general will, and its connection with democracy in the philosophy of S. Gessen. The author compares the classical system of division of powers, supported by J.-J.Rousseau and I. Kant, and the new system proposed by S. Gessen.

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The philosophical aspects of graphical diagnostics


This paper offers a philosophical analysis of graphic tests, which have become predominant recently. Drawing tests, as a model of hierarchical interrelations and inversions in the psychic structure, are an important object of philosophical research. By means of this model, we can learn a lot about hierarchical systems. The author relied on the presence of a hierarchical system in human activity stated by the great Russian physiologist Nikolai Bernstein.

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The phenomenon of globalization and the problem of cultural diversity of society


This article considers the phenomenon of globalisation. The author analyses the content and perspectives of this phenomenon in various aspects with particular emphasis on cultural aspects and stresses the need for cultural diversity in the framework of the sustainable development of society in the context of the systematic and synergetic approaches. Special attention is paid to the role of education in preserving cultural diversity.

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The existential strategies of the power over things: labour, acquisitiveness, adventure


Using the concept of «power over things», this article describes human experience in the ownership,management and disposal of things. The diversity of this experience manifests itself in the existential strategies of power over things distinguished by the author — labour, adventures and acquisitiveness. The suggested line of analysis extends the field of meanings and prospects of philosophical research on power, including that involving the comprehension of power in the life of a human being.

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The phenomenon of cult interaction


This article considers the problems of cult reality development. The author believes that cult is an inversion system of interaction of the cult object and cult consciousness. Inversion in cult reality is a process of special decoding of intersubjective reality, in which cult status serve as both a structure and a function of reality.

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