The state-civil identity among the student youth of the Russian Federation: theoretical and applied aspects
The article touches upon the issue of state-civil identity of student youth. Theoretical analysis of the provisions of social constructivism made the author focus on the fact that state-civil identity is an element of the value component in the structure of the political consciousness ethnopolitical ...
Ethnic identity of students as a determinant of their understanding of other cultural groups
The article highlights the problem of interaction between representatives of different cultures, which is influenced by their social representations and ethnic identity. The aim of the work was to analyze the content of students' social ideas about members of other cultures in the context of ethnic identity. In this paper, the authors rely on the theory of social representations and the concept of ethnic identity....
The identity and collective memory of Kaliningraders in recent Polish studies
This paper is a review of recent Polish studies on identity and collective memory in the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. Polish authors have analysed the development of Kaliningrad regional identity – a process closely related to collective memory changes and politics of memory. Scholars ...
Social identity in the conditions of cultural diversity: A search or imposition? (the case of the Kaliningrad region)
This article discusses the development of social identity in the modern Russian society in the case of the Kaliningrad region. Based on an analysis of the regional public discourse and the data of surveys and case studies, the author considers the process of promoting and imposing a model of normativity ...
The ethno-political discourse of regional identity in former Yugoslavia: The Bosnian syndrome
This article analyses the features of national identity in modern Bosnia and Herzegovina. The limitrophe ethnocentrism dominant in the regions of former Yugoslavia contributes to increased tension. It is assumed that all political problems of Bosnia and Herzegovina relate to the lack of a common identity,...
The transformation of ethnic identity in the condition of post-Soviet development of the independent states
This article considers the problem of ethnic identity as a polymodal one and analyses certain social, historical, and psychological aspects of its context. Language is one of the major differentiating features in terms of ethnicity. In some historical situations, ethnic identity is determined by ...
The Kaliningrad region as a site of memory for the Russians
The author of the article analyzes the shaping of the Russian identity of the region’s inhabitants on particular examples and personal impressions and experience. A common term “the site of memory” applied to the Kaliningrad region, makes it possible to speak of a strong regional, or Kaliningrad, component ...
Shpet, Humboldt, Kant: Forms, Concepts, Schemes. Terms and Ideas
... Humboldt as suggestion. The author also considers Shpet’s critique of subjectivism, which robs subjectivism of creativity and confines it to the capacity to convey what has been understood and to err. Finally, Shpet’s methodology (the question of identity and difference) and the role of terminology in his own works is considered. The positing of identity as the starting point of method accords with Shpet’s conviction that terms have meaning and explanatory power. Contrary to Shpet, it is difference ...
“Who are you?” or implementing the strategy of depersonalization on an autobiographical narrative
This article seeks to explore the possibility of applying psychological and neurobiological data with regard to the notions of “self”, “narrative identity”, and “depersonalization” to the case of autobiography as a type of text. The analysis highlights the importance of memory being a cognitive process that underlies any self-narration. Using Will Self’s work “Walking to Hollywood: memories ...
Contextual conditionality of gender-marked lexemes in German male-written memoires of the 19th—20th centuries
The author investigates the use of gender marked lexemes in retrospective texts of the 19th and 20th century written by male authors. Gender identity in the male written texts is reflected in gender marked lexemes (GML), representing subjective autonominations realized at the lexical level in subjectified and objectified ways. A specific feature typical of the actualization of GMLs relevant ...
Personality in a multicultural world
... understanding and the individual’s adaptation to reality. General knowledge, reflection, the extension of meaning, self-esteem, a system of values, logic and cognition form the basis of understanding. The author analyses the concept of multicultural identity and explores the problems of non-conflict integration of the personality in the multicultural world.
1. Андреева Г. М. Психология социального познания. М., 2005.
2. Диалог культур и партнерство ...
The attempts of founding of the Russian Idea as a Russian nation specific component of intercultural communication
The article reviews the foundation and development of the concept of the Russian Idea in the Russian philosophical and social thinking, its main definitions, content, as well as critics. The significance of development of national identity and cultural self-determination for effective intercultural communi-cation is pointed out. Besides, the role of the Russian Idea as a Russian nation specific component, forming the national identity, when dealing with intercul-tural communication ...
Witnessing in criminal proceedings
This article analyses witness participation in criminal proceedings. The author pays special attention to witness immunity and relevant forensic analysis. The significance of this institution is characterized from the perspective of the identity of a witness. The author stresses the importance of developing a unified approach to the procedural status of a witness. Forensic study of the identity of a witness is a key point point in the development of the institution of witnessing.
Identification discourses and the problem of identity construction
The article deals with the problem of identity construction and the issues of interpreting the nature of identity. Through examining judgements of identification, the authors study the discursive nature of identity. The possibilities and limits of identity construction are analysed in the ...
Small business developing the regional Identity: a case study in the Baltic Sea Region
This article compares the frequency of the use of the toponym 'Baltic' in the names of small enterprises in Baltic cities. The author draws conclusions on the role of small business in the development of regional identity in the Baltic Sea region and assesses the prospects for the formation of a regional business community in the Baltic region.
Барыгин И.
Дискурс в региональном контексте — Балтийское ...
The policy of cosmopolitism: from universalism to pluralism
... cultural pluralism based on universal political and legal principles (Kant and Rawls) proves to be insufficient. However, it provides the means to solve the problems and to avoid the extremes of cultural cosmopolitism, such as the European “negative identity”, juridification, and new modern forms of identity-centred political moralism akin to the “hyperdemocracy of the masses”.
1. Бек У. Власть и ее оппоненты в эпоху глобализма. М., 2007.
2. Кант ...
Political reconsideration of the Soviet past: attitudes and actions of the Lithuanian elites
... partinės preferencijos 2004—2005 m. Praeities ir dabarties vertinimas, ateities lūkesčiai’ in Lietuva, Vilnius, Europos Sąjungoje, pirmieji metai (Firidas).
4. Eyerman, R. 2001, Cultural Trauma: Slavery and the Formation of African American Identity, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
5. Heisler, M. O. 2008, Challenged Histories and Collective Self-Concepts: Politics in History, Memory, and Time‘, ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, no. 617, p. 199—213....
The influence of the border position of the Pskov region on the socio-cultural values of the population
This article presents the results of a sociological research on national and supranational (civilizational) identity of the Pskov region population conducted in 1999—2010. The Pskov region is the only European region of Russia that shares borders with three states, two of which are members of the EU. The author defines the areas of the neighbouring countries' ...