Frolova Ye. The theoretical and methodological issues of the revival of natural law
This article considers the understanding of natural law from the perspective of neo-Kantian legal philosophy of the late 19th/early 20th century and the problem of correlation between changing rules of law and the unchanged form of moral prescriptions.The author focuses on the development of Kantian approach ...
A unified and harmonised European law and its impact on third countries
... policies related to free movement of persons from the third pillar into the Treaty on European Community, the Amsterdam Treaty vested legislative power in the European Community in the fields of international civil procedure and private international law. On the basis of this power, the European Community enacted a series of Regulations, which will soon unify both areas of law. Such unification will not only facilitate legal relations within the European Union but also enhance legal relations with ...
Georges Gurvitch and Sergey Hessen on the Possibility of Forming Social Unity
The early decades of the last century saw European philosophical thought becoming increasingly interested in the sociological extension of the idea of law. From the viewpoint of the sociology of law, law is formed in the process of social interactions and is not sanctioned by the state. Sergey Hessen and Georges Gurvitch base their conceptions of social law on the sociology of law in the 1920s and 1930s....
On the role of religion in N. N. Alekseev’s axiological model of law
This paper is devoted to investigation of destination of religion in the process of forming of the concept of law in determined cultural circumstances. This study is actualizes the essential link between comprehension of content of domain of law and concept of subjectivity. Nikolay Alexeev overcomes concept of subjectivity represented in philosophy of early modern ...
Correlation between the concepts of institution and sub-institution in criminal law
The article considers correspondence between the concepts of institution and sub-institution in the criminal law. The understanding of the criminal law sub-institution as an element of the structure of criminal law institute requires verification in terms of analysis of the correlation between these concepts. It is especially urgent due to the fact that the ...
The international legal regulation of the status of voluntary human shields
The analysis of existing rule of International humanitarian law governing the cases of use of human shields by the parties of armed conflict justifies the conclusion that these persons are a sui generis case and should be regarded as an exception to a number of general rules. As a result, they should not be classified ...
Some allocation issues of the principles of uncodified branches of law
The principles of law are considered within the positivist legal understanding as the normatively fixed fundamental concept of each industry. The general legal principles enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation are thought to directly apply both in codified ...
Kistyakovsky on the nature of law
This article explores the contribution of the Russian philosopher and theorist of law, neo-Kantian Kistyakovsky, to the understanding of the essence of law. He supported methodological pluralism and identified four theoretical and two practical concepts of law. The neo-Kantian motive in Kistyakovsky's theory manifested itself in the ...
Affection of Law: Fichte on the Place and Boundaries of Pure Ethics of the Imperative
In his popular 1806 lectures on religion Fichte considered five possible worldviews in the second of which, “the standpoint of legality”, one can readily recognise the ethics of law of the Stoical and Kantian type. Fichte stresses that in his youth he himself shared this worldview. However, he hastens to adduce a series of original arguments to show that this position is essentially incapable of delivering a pure and higher moral ...
Feyerabend’s Natural Law Notes and their significance for Kant studies. Preface
Natural Law Notes of Feyerabend is one of the most important sources by the research of ethical and juridical views of Kant. Dating back to 1784 they distinctly demonstrate that the basic principles of Kant’s philosophy of right are not a late production of ...
Neo-Kantian and phenomenological axiology in N. N. Alekseev’s philosophy of law
This paper analyzes receptions of phenomenological and neo-Kantian axiology trends in the interpretation of the concept and status of value in N. N. Alekseev’s philosophy of law. The author identifies the role of Neo-Kantian nomothetic—idiographic division of sciences proposed by the Southwest German school of Neo-Kantianism in interpreting the essence of law within Aleseev’s philosophy. It is shown that Alekseev uses ...
The European Court of Justice case of Elgafaji: the interaction between EU law and international humanitarian law
This article focuses on the increasing influence of international court rulings on the development of new concepts within international law, in particular, the concept of subsidiary protection to persons who fall outside the scope of the 1951 Refugee Convention. The author also considers the issues related to the concept of indirect effect in EU law, as well as the interaction between ...
Kant’s lectures on natural law: Justice and conscientiousness
The lectures on natural law delivered by Kant in the winter semester of 1784/85 have recently attracted increasing attention from Kant scholars. Dating back to the 1780s, they elucidate a number of important aspects in the genesis of Kant’s practical philosophy. Firstly, this ...
The concept and typologisation of defects in the criminal procedure law
In the article, in the context of a systematic approach, views on the understanding of defects in law and the law are presented and analyzed, and the lack of a unified methodological basis for defining the concept of a defect in law is revealed. The criteria are formulated to identify the presence of a defect in the criminal procedure law. After studying ...
Public law entities and the theory of the subjects of law
This article reviews theoretical works of Russian legal scholars on public law entities and analyses several provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Kursk region. The author reflects on the representational functions that public law entities perform in public relations. The article ...
How transcendental are Kant’s principles of public law?
This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the content, meaning, and scenarios of applying the transcendental principles of public law formulated in the second appendix to Kant’s treatise Toward Perpetual Peace. The author compares different interpretations of these principles by Russian and international researchers. The article strives to answer the question as to what type of ...
Certain issues of correlation between the international financial law and the EU law
The problem if interaction between the international financial law (IFL) and the EU law has become particularly vital in this integrational entity where a special legal system was created. It has been developing until now and carries the features of the both international and municipal law. Global financial crisis ...
The open method of coordination as a new form of governance: features, characteristics, prospects of application
... of the ‘Lisbon Strategy’: thesis presented for the Degree of Master of European Studies / College of
, 2001.
Hatzopoulos V
. Why the open method of coordination is bad for you: a letter to the EU // European Law Journal. 2006.
Ahonen P.
Soft governance, agile
? Analysis of the extensions of open coordination in 2000. EIPA, 2001.
of the European Communities: European governance. A White paper.
, 2001....
The Kantian Concept of Human Dignity Today
... God and the World. Utrennij svet, ezhemesyachnoe izdanie [Morning Light, monthly edition] (St. Petersburg), Pars 1, December, pp. 285-297. (In Rus.)
Baglay, M. V., 2007. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: uchebnik dlya vuzov [Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation: textbook for High Schools]. Moscow: Norma. (In Rus.)
Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1949. Translated by C. Tomuschat, D. P. Currie, D. P. Kommers and R. Kerr, 2022. Available at: <
The Problem of the Possibility of an Artificial Moral Agent in the Context of Kant’s Practical Philosophy
... is possible implies discussion of a whole range of problems raised by Kant within the framework of practical philosophy that have not exhausted their heuristic potential to this day. First, I show the significance of the correlation between moral law and freedom. Since a rational being believes that his/her will is independent of external influences, the will turns out to be governed by the moral law and is autonomous. Morality and freedom are correlated through independence from the external....
Convergence of legal thinking from the perspective of the uncertainty principle
In this contribution, we analyse convergence within the integrative concept of legal thinking. Our article responds to the deficiencies of the established jurisprudence methodology, which is unable either to incorporate new facets of law or to provide a new perspective on the understanding of law. We investigate how the principle of uncertainty and complementarity works in the theory of law and explain why these principles have a similar effect within the concepts of integrative legal ...
The system and structure of sources of corporate law
This article considers the system and structure of sources of Russian corporate law. Research approaches to the notion and legal nature of sources of corporate law and their place in the system of civil law sources are analysed. The authors address the legal nature of corporate regulations, including the rules and standards of self-regulatory ...
Implementation of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) code and amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 74/78) for ship-building
... die Analyse von Piraterie und maritimem Terrorismus. Hamburg, 2011.
8. Frittelli J. Port and maritime security: background and issues for congress // Vesky J. Port and maritime security. N. Y., 2008. P. 11—41.
9. Jenisch U. Piracy, Navies and the Law of the Sea; the Case of Somalia // WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. 2009. Vol. 8, № 2. P. 123—143.
10. Klein N. Maritime security and the law of the sea. Oxford, 2011.
11. Liss C. Oceans of crime: maritime piracy and transnational security in ...
Kants Begriff der Verbindlichkeit und die neuzeitliche Naturrechtslehre
My article is devoted to one of the main concepts of early modern natural law, i. e. the concept of obligation. Starting with Pufendorf's concept of obligation, it will be demonstrated that the natural law is grounded on the will of God. In contrast, the concept of obligation in Christian Wolff's Philosophia practica universalis ...
On the nature of the notion of "Charter statute"
... constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the basis of the analysis of the Charters of the Kaliningrad and Krasnoyarsk regions. The emphasis is placed on the theoretical and practical issues of the charter statutes incorporation in the sources of law system.
(Основной Закон) Калининградской области (в ред. закона Калининградской области от 24 декабря
2009 г
. №
314 «О внесении ...
The significance of the critique of A. I. Vvedensky’s ‘new psychophysiological law’ for Russian philosophy
This article analyses the historical and philosophical critique of A. I. Vvedensky’s ‘new psychophysiological’ law. The author examines the most substantial commentaries, namely, those by P. E. Astafyev, N. Y. Grot, L. M. Lopatin, E. L. Radlov, and S. N. Trubetskoy. At the end of the 19th century, these authors contributed to an active discussion in the pages ...
The development of legal framework for Russia-EU relations: 2010 results
This article deals with the development of legal framework for Russia-EU relations in 2010. The author analyses the preparation of the new basic agreement, the development of sectoral EU-Russia agreements, and soft law amendments, as well as relevant regulations of the European Union and Russian law. The article reviews current initiatives and approaches of the Parties in the legal regulation of the „Partnership for modernisation".
1. Postojannoe predstavitel'stvo ...
Classification of doctrinal principles of law
The specific features of doctrinal principles of law, complicating the process of their classification, are noted. Based on a positivist legal understanding, three original classifications of doctrinal principles of Russian law are proposed. The first classification is based on criteria such as the ...
Parliament and law-making: modern understanding of the role of parliamentary procedures and laws in transforming society
... elaborating legal acts regulating many spheres at large. The author has reviewed the role of the parliament regulations and rules of procedure in the activities of parliament. It is proposed to to move away from the practice of speedy adoption of laws and to introduce expert support and evaluation of the legislative process in parliament as mandatory elements of the legislative process. The article asserts the need to strengthen the role of expert councils under the committees of the Russian State ...
The evolution of the Russian and foreign state and law. The 80th anniversary of the Department of History of State and Law of the Ural State Law University (1936—2016): collection of articles : in 4 vol. / ed. prof. A. S. Smykalina. Ekaterinburg : Ural St
The article analyses one of the largest synoptic publications in the field of history and theory of state and law, published in Russia. The author describes many methodology research schools of Russian jurisprudence and explores their differences and similarities with international research tradition.
Lonskaya S. V.
history of state and law, research schools,...
Тhe legal state over time: the nature and the main approaches to the definition
... of cognition, the methods of analysis and synthesis, and formally logical, historical legal and comparative legal methods. The result of the research that has been undertaken shall be the definition of the legal state, which is based on the rule of law, the recognition of law, the respect of law and the civil compliance with the law, as well as on the government’s ensuing the individual rights and freedoms.
1. Алексеев Р. А. Эволюция концепции правового государства ...
Civil law of pre-revolutionary Russia as a factor of influence for the development of modern legal doctrine (the case of the personality of the state)
The article evaluates the achievements of Russian pre-revolutionary civil law as the basis for modern civil law. The author identifies the basic elements of the Russian system of civil law, which are unique in their character. The author draws a conclusion about certain similarities in defining the legal position of the state ...
On the development of the concept of ‘subject of law
This article analyses approaches to developing the concept of the ‘subject of law’. The author considers different perspectives on identifying similarities and differences between the categories of the ‘subject of law’, ‘subject of a legal relationship’, and ‘personal with legal personality’. It is concluded that ...
Problems of interpreting legal norms in the court of justice
This article discusses the interpretation of legal norms by courts, which consist primarily in understanding the law. The interpretation of the law is often conducted alongside the interpretation of the statute, which requires serious professional and academic training, especially, if it involves the use of constitutional norms, analogy of law, and the principles ...
The principles of economic protection of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea
This article identifies the principles behind the international protection of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea. The author analyses their content and legal force on the basis of the provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, international conference declaration, as well as the judicial practice of the International Court of Justice, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, and international commercial arbitration courts.
1. Biernie P., Boyle A. International ...
Bogdan Kistiakovy’s Project of “State of the Future” as Synthesis of the Ideas of Liberalism and Socialism
... Kistyakovsky sees the capitalist form of economic organization as a form of ‘economic anarchy’ and a major obstacle to the mission of achieving social justice. This problem is solved through withdrawing all means of production from the realm of private law, which should be compensated for by the extension of public legal rights. It is concluded that it is possible to correlate B. A. Kistyakovsky’s social and philosophical views presented in the ‘state of the future’ project with the theoretical ...