Poetics of the genre of espionage dilogy by S. Pesetsky
Researching the poetics of S. Pesetsky's novels "The Fifth Stage" and "Equal to The Gods of Night" the author disputes the traditional idea of them as belonging to the genre of adventure. The narrative structure of the works, their composition, motive system, the role of dreams, letters, included episodes are explored.
1. Гиппиус З. Дневники. Воспоминания. Мемуары. Минск, 2004.
2. Янушкевіч ...
The existential strategies of the power over things: labour, acquisitiveness, adventure
... «power over things», this article describes human experience in the ownership,management and disposal of things. The diversity of this experience manifests itself in the existential strategies of power over things distinguished by the author — labour, adventures and acquisitiveness. The suggested line of analysis extends the field of meanings and prospects of philosophical research on power, including that involving the comprehension of power in the life of a human being.
Бердяев ...
Male Cinderella: the character, genre, and poetics of Jerzy Kosiński's novel Being There
... (дата обращения: 21.06.2015).
11. Siedlecka J. Czarny ptasior. Gdańsk ; Warszawa, 1993.
12. Sloan J. P. Jerzy Kosiński. Biografia. Warszawa, 1996.
Nefagina G.
genre, reflection, simpleton character, ‘man without qualities’, irony, adventure novel.