Geopolitical regionalisation of the Baltic area: the essence and historical dynamics
The article discusses a theoretical framework for investigating regionalisation and geopolitical regionalisation, employing the activity-geospatial approach. The main theoretical foci of this study are system-forming, or region-building, socio-geo-adaptation and geopolitical relations. The article examines various types of transboundary ...
Geoeconomic risks faced by the Russian Baltic region amid a deteriorating geopolitical situation
This article is a conceptual theoretical-empirical study of the geopolitical risks the Baltic Russian regions have faced amid the deteriorating geopolitical situation observed since 2014. The Baltic Russian regions are in a vulnerable position because of their geographical vicinity to EU countries, with which they ...
Territorial-political and regional geopolitical systems: correlation of concepts
The article examines the notions of ‘territorial political system’ and ‘regional geopolitical system' as well as a correlation between them from the viewpoint of the socalled activity-based geospatial approach. A regional geopolitical system includes geopolitical relations between the states within the region and those with powerful ...
Modern geopolitical research in Russia
In this article, we present the results of our study into the contribution of geography to modern geopolitics in Russia. We stress the interdisciplinary nature of geopolitical studies and identify ensuing problems. Using content analysis of the eLIBRARY bibliography database and Elsevier’s abstract and citation database Scopus, we conclude that ...
Geopolitical turbulence and its economic and geographical projections: the case of Russia’s western border regions
The socio-economic development of countries and world regions during recent decades has been affected by the confrontation of global and regional centres of power, their growing geoeconomic and geopolitical rivalry, accompanied by increasing geopolitical turbulence. The article aims to substantiate the concept of geopolitical turbulence in its socio-geographical projection. Special emphasis is made on its manifestations in the territorial ...
The strongholds of Russian coastal borderlands: economic dynamics amid geopolitical turbulence
In the 21st century, the World Ocean is becoming a key factor in global socio-economic dynamics and a geoeconomic and geopolitical priority of many countries. The Russian Federation, whose economy, infrastructure, and settlement system have been gravitating towards the sea since the late 1990s, is no exception. This article aims to identify and provide a conceptual framework ...
Geopolitical development potential of the Russian exclusive region: search for key strategy and mechanisms for its implementation in new conditions
... socio-economic and political importance. With regard to the Kaliningrad region since when it was established, the problem of choosing a development strategy has always been and remained an urgent issue. Especially sharply, it arose with a change in the geopolitical position of the region after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Baltic economic area. Exclavity is the most important geopolitical factor in the life of the region. The dialectic of exclave is in the discretion of not only the obstacles,...
Russian energy diplomacy and international energy security (geopolitics and economics)
This article considers national energy security as a component of foreign policy and diplomacy and analyses the current state of Russian energy policy, the role of Russia in global energy geopolitics and the factors affecting it. The author examines energy diplomacy as an instrument of foreign policy at both global and regional levels taking into account the changes in the corporate policy of energy companies.
Zhiznin Stanislav