IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2017 Issue №1

Formation of Ferdinand de Saussure's authentic terminological system


This article is devoted to the terminological analysis of F. de Saussure's 1872—1911 authentic texts. A component analysis makes it possible to identify the characteristics of formation of general linguistic terms. It is established that F. de Saussure's terminology (118 preterms) is based on existing lexical units of different systems. Tectological mechanisms transformed Saussure’s terminology into a linguistic terminological system consisting of 36 scientific terms.

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Repetition as a means to convey irony in a literary text (based on Gogol’s works and their translation into German)


Irony is considered as a means to express an author's implicit judgement in a literary text. The article describes the use of repetition as a syntactic and textual means to express irony in N. V. Gogol's works and their translations into German. A comparative analysis is carried out to estimate the equivalence of repetition translations in the target text.

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Means to express appeal in the public service announcement discourse in the Russian, German, and English languages


This article considers the means to express appeal in public service announcements in the Russian, German, and English languages. Attention is paid to the characteristic features of appeal as a directive speech act. The comparative aspect of research makes it possible to identify both similarities and differences in using means of appeal in public service announcement discourse in Russian, German, and English.

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Lexical means to express an author’s opinion in popular science groups on the VKontakte social network


Based on the materials of ten most-visited popular science groups on the VKontakte social network, this article considers key lexical means to express an author’s opinion. A typology of such means is introduced in the context of analysis. It is concluded that the lexical means used to express an author’s opinion influence the process of deformation and mutual integration of the functional styles of the Russian language.

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Functioning of the means to present argumentation in a judicial discourse: The case of Polish literary texts


This article is devoted to the means of presenting argumentation in literature focusing on judicial matters. In such texts, theses and relevant arguments are often in an implicit form, which emphasises the particularities of the functioning of judicial reasoning. In addition, the argumentative function, which is integrated into the discourse, is combined with the aesthetic function and thus it can serve as a means to create the literary image of a character.

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