Theoretical aspects of the model for the formation of legal competence of a specialist in the senior crews officers in a maritime university
AbstractTheoretical justification for the model of legal competence formation for senior crew officers is based on a competency-based approach, particularly relevant in the context of legal training for naval cadets. The proposed component structure of the model for legal competence formation for senior ship specialists not only allows for defining the content of legal disciplines but also developing criteria for assessing the professional and personal qualities of cadets that influence their legal competence. The main assessment criteria include knowledge of basic methods and ways of solving legal problems, the ability to apply knowledge in choosing methods for collecting, structuring, and analyzing information, mastery of techniques for composing, formatting, and monitoring the evaluation of legal solutions, as well as the ability to independently apply knowledge for collecting, structuring, and analyzing information, work in a team, demonstrate persistence in solving legal problems, and evaluate the effectiveness of the decision made. The obtained data on the practical implementation of the developed model allow for a step-by-step assessment of the process of forming legal competence for senior crew officers during the training of cadets in naval educational institutions. It was revealed that as a result of the implementation of the algorithm developed by the authors into the educational process, the most significant changes occurred in terms of the formation of the substantive-procedural component of the legal competence of senior crew officers.