The game of Daniel Kehlmann’s novel Measuring the World
This article explores the relativity of game rules followed by two out-standing scientists – Alexander von Humboldt and Gauss – in their research. The exhaustiveness of the scientists’ multidirectional game strategies is ex-plained by a change in their roles: they turn from subjects of ...
Structure and content of competence in the field of game-based educational technologies for future higher education Teachers in social and humanitarian disciplines .
... for the formation and development of competencies in the field of game-based educational technologies and practices for future university teachers of social disciplines and humanities. Based on the analyzed works, conditions are identified under which game technologies can be applied in education. A criteria-level description of the competence “Ability and readiness to master game-based educational technologies and apply them in teaching social and humanitarian disciplines” is provided. Two key ...
Tool-Kit for Ethical Analysis of Video Games: Answer to the Challenges of the New Enlightenment
... human being in whom freedom can be exercised only if it contributes to social good. The Kantian interpretation of social development as the human being forming the sphere of free being can be the basis of a critical assessment of the content of video games in terms of their media impact on the shaping of the ideology of modern society. I show that the boundaries of the exercise of freedom in a video game, supported by artificial intelligence, influence the way an individual perceives society and his/her ...
Lexical chellenges of computer games translation
The article deals with lexical issues of game localisation based on the comparison of Enlish and Russian versions of videogames. The research is focused on typical lexical challenges in the process of translation, in particular, interpretation of context-independent and context-dependent words,...
On asymmetry in game-theoretic semantics
... aspects of game-theoretic semantics and demonstrates its advantages in presenting incomplete information and imperfect memory. The author identifies the limitations of J. Hintikka’s game-theoretic semantics as to the problem of asymmetry in semantic games. The article provides an overview of concurrent game-theoretic semantics.
1. Хинтикка Я. Логико-эпистемологические исследования. М., 1980.
2. Mann A. L., Sandu G., Sevenster M. Independence-Friendly ...
Services: the ethics and aesthetics of the game
This article considers services as a sphere of social and economic interac- tion with features of game, which makes it possible to approach the analysis of ethic and aesthetic properties of the game taking place in the space of service. The author attempts to define the term “game modality” as a condition for symbolic interactions.
1. Костина ...
Translation of non-equivalent words during the localization of computer games
The article deals with linguistic aspects of localizaton, in particular, with cultural adaptation of non-equivalent lexis in the translation of computer games from Russian into English. The research is focused on the types of nonequivalent lexical units typical of game discourse and their translation into the Russian language.
1. Esselink B. A practical guide to localization. John Benjamins Publishing,...
A system of oppositions in A. Grin’s short story «Fandango» and their game transformations
... of intertextual interaction as a means of opposition formation. The comparison of A. Grin’s “Fandango”, M.Yu. Lermontov’s “In the wild north…”, and H. Heine’s “Ein Fichtenbaum” is used to prove that A. Grin’s implicit language game is based on a multilingual anagrammatic code. The article examines the implicit semantics of the short story based on the writer’s game projections into his own works.
1. Википедия : свободная энциклопедия : [сайт]....
The anagrammatic game in proverbs and sayings: Russian and English analogues
This article investigates the mechanisms and forms of anagrammatic game in Russian and English proverbs and sayings and describes its functionality. The author offers a comparative typology of anagrammatic game forms and analyses examples of the phenomenon.
Гаспаров М.
. Анаграмма // Литературный ...
Griphonyms as a subject of linguistic research
The article examines specific lexical units called grifonyms which are functioning in the texts of fantasy video games. A new term ‘grifonyms’ refers to nominations of characters created by the imagination of game developers and having no analogues in reality. Obligatory and optional features of griphonyms are revealed, their systematization and classification ...
«Nomen est omen»: the role of names in the novel Parade by Nikolay Kononov
... anagrammatic code is chosen as a research technique: anagramming (in some cases with a transition from one language to another) allows the author to identify hidden meanings consciously or subconsciously used by the writer. N. Kononov resorts to language game throughout his novel and shows the connection between the name Lev and the semantics of physicality and personality traits. Describing his characters, the writer uses a number of images: the king of all animals, the cowardly lion, etc. The multilanguage ...
A language game with background knowledge
The tactics of a language game aimed at activating background knowledge of the recipient are studied in the texts of jokes, crossword puzzles, and other literature and speech materials. Special attention is paid to language games focusing on the reader’s knowledge of history ...
Application of Shapley value in a regression analysis
The application of the cooperative game theory model, Shapley value, for the estimation of the regression coefficients and the contribution of predictors to the general explainability of the model is considered. The necessary theoretical apparatus is systematized and the construction ...
Freud’s cognitive and linguistic insights in the theory of dream interpretation
... theoretical ‘touching points’ of S. Freud’s theory of dream in¬terpretation and modern cognitive linguistics. The authors stress the relevance of such lin¬guistic transformations as metaphor, metonymy, symbolisation, paronymy, homonymy, language game, and associative networks for Freud’s theory. Moreover, polysemy, initial context conditions, and the transfer of content from one coding into another — from the iconic image system into the symbolic conceptual one — also play an important ...
A theoretical framework for consulting in the field of a university professor's professional activity
... university professor’s professional activity. The authors stress the need for consulting within the system-synergetic and praxeological approaches based on the key principles of andragogy and contextual training theory. The major provisions of the game technology paradigm of pedagogical activity serves as the basis for pedagogical consulting. The product of consulting is professors’ decisions to alter their professional activities. These decisions are perceived as made on one’s own and therefore ...
The functional and pragmatic features of assonance phraseological reflexes
... them in terms of traditional semantics prove unsuccessful. A proper study of assonance phraseological reflexes is possible only in the framework of speech act theory. From the cognitive perspective, these units of speech are an example of a language game typical of speech subcultures.
1. Баранов А. Н., Добровольский Д. О. Принципы семантического описания фразеологии // Вопросы языкознания. 2009. № 6. С. 21—27....
The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Anastasia’s amnesia”. 1. Look for the roots!
... semantics of human life as vegetation in its connection to the “life-death”, “young-old”, and “top-bottom” oppositions. The author’s approach consists in reconstructing the writer’s method of meaning and text generation based on the game potential of language up to using a multilingual anagrammatic code and reconsideration of language category.
1. Виноградов В. В. Слово и значение как предмет историко-лексикологического ...
The numerological code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Tripartite Sibling”
... relating to the generation of the plural from the singular I (ego). An increase in the number of objects is accounted for by the dynamic equation N = N+1. The author examines both the visible and hidden techniques of the code representation based on the game possibilities of the language and intertextual references.
1. Песни и романсы русских поэтов. М. ; Л., 1963.
2. Дмитровская М. Коли муза Клио: история души человеческой ...
Steroid hormone in marine bivalve molluscs of the annual cycle
This article describes the features of quantitative distribution of glucocorticoid steroid hormones — hydrocortisone and corticosterone – at different stages of the life cycle of the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and the European flat oyster (Ostrea eduliss). The author identifies a common pattern of hormone dynamics consisting in a reduction in the level of hormones in molluscs in the course of maturation. Interspecies differences in the ratio of hormone levels are described....