Speech acts and speech genres: the case of the compliment
This article is devoted to the speech act of compliment, which is treated herein as expressing the speaker's attention and partiality to their interlocutor. The similarities and differences between speech acts of compliment and praise are analysed, with the characteristics of compliment ...
Category of politeness: Russian imperative speech clichés in dialogue
This study identifies and characterises a class of lexical units — imperative speech clichés, exemplified by expressions such as krepis'! [hold on!], prekrati! [stop it!] or ne lez' [back off!]. It defines the concept of imperative speech clichés and investigates the role of pragmaticisation in their formation. The general ...
Emotional and receptive-axiological aspects of the speech act of threat in everyday conflict communication in Russian
The article analyses the emotive aspect of the production and perception of the speech act of threat and the specificity of the perception of this act by a modern native speaker of Russian. The act of threat is an instrument of influence exerted on the listener. Its effectiveness depends on the strength of the negative emotions ...
Speech aggression as a means of preserving and promoting the Neo-pagan worldview: the case of Rodnoverie
... Internet. To achieve this, a comprehensive methodology is employed, incorporating both functional-semantic and pragma-semantic approaches. The study identifies the motives and conditions under which verbal aggression tends to arise in online discourse. Key speech acts that manifest this aggression—such as insults, rude demands, reproach, accusations, mockery, negative evaluations, and ill-wishing—are analysed, with hypotheses offered regarding their function and frequency. Furthermore, the study ...
Verbal aggression in modern poetry: conventional and unconventional functioning of discourse markers
The article examines the specifics of speech aggression in poetic communication. Special attention is paid to the unconventional functioning of discourse markers of aggression. The aim of the study is to analyse aggressive verbal behaviour in poetic communication and identify distinctive ...
Implementation of the principle of learning though speech patterns in profile-oriented foreign language training
One of the leading special methodological principles of professionally-oriented foreign language training — the principle of teaching based on speech patterns of a specific subject area — is highlighted. A theoretical analysis of the essence of this principle, its place and role in the system of principles of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching is presented, along with an attempt ...
Investigating the causes of speech disorders in children (perinatal aspects)
Speech disorders in children are a current issue of modern times, primarily because speech is a central cognitive function, without which the development of other mental processes, including thinking, is impossible. Speech development disorders in children ...
Formal terms of reproach in Russian discourse
... v 17 t. [BAS = Dictionary of the modern Russian literary language: in 17 volumes.]. Vol. 4. Moscow (in Russ.).
Vlasova, E. V., 2005. Rechevaya agressiya v pechatnykh SMI (na materiale nemetsko- i russkoyazychnykh gazet 30-kh i 90-kh gg. KhKh veka) [Speech aggression in the print media (based on German and Russian-language newspapers of the 30s and 90s of the 20th century)]. Ph. D. Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky (in Russ.).
Vorontsova, T. А., 2006. Rechevaya agressiya: ...
Structure and functions of author’s account of internal monologue in Anton Chekhov’s stories 1880―1903
Direct internal monologue, stream of consciousness, internal replication and internal dialogue are the ways of presenting the character’s inner speech which are actively studied by linguistics. The article considers author’s account of internal monologue (AAIM). AAIM is the object of rare research in linguistics due to loss the features of natural inner speech. They are transformed into the ...
Motives behind breaking language norms in the English political discourse
... language norms in persuasion in the space of English political discourse. The study aims to determine the linguistic factors influencing the development of the semantic content of language anomalies and encouraging the use of the latter in public speech. The study found that the ability of linguistic deviations to acquire and convey relevant stylistic and pragmatic meanings in the discourse space enhanced the semantic content, expressiveness, and emotionality of these meanings. All this ...
Language indicators of confrontational speech strategies used in everyday marital discourse
The article examines the features of representing the confrontational speech strategy of discreditation, used in everyday communication, particularly in marital discourse. The goal of the research is to identify the speech tactics employed in domestic communication between spouses for the purpose of discrediting and weakening ...
On the speech-act nature of the verbal threat.
In this article, we describe approaches to studying the verbal threat, which exist in the recent Russian and international research literature. We examine the essence of the verbal threat from the perspective of speech act theory. We identify the major content-related components of utterances containing threats and explain how they differ from commissive acts. We conclude that the speech act of threat is a synthetic speech-act structure, whose core element ...
The Praed model sentences: meaning and speech functions.
The study of formal samples of sentences in the real modern colloquial speech is one of the topical linguistic problems. Having considered the classical and modern research papers, the author examines the grammatical status of uninflected words, which are the main members of the sentences of the Praed structural scheme....
The features of organisation of free indirect speech in contemporary Russian fiction
On the basis of V.S. Makanin and T.N. Tolstaya’s works, the author examines the organisation of free indirect speech, analyses the dynamic processes peculiar to contemporary fictional speech, and describes the interaction between the basic structures of free indirect discourse, which reflects the features of the “new type of prose”.
Ахметова ...
Speech behaviour of Internet users in conflict communication
This article explores the expression of impoliteness of Internet users in confrontational threads. This approach involves the identification of speech aggression markers typical of a certain type of discourse. This makes it possible to define the roles and attitudes of participants in the conflict interaction. The authors employed methods of discourse analysis and corpus tools of data collection ...
The linguistic-pragmatic features of the realization of speech acts of threat in the political discourses of Germany and Spain
... frequently used in contemporary political discourse, which is governed by norms and conventions. The radicalization of communication is a result of social and economic problems as well as geopolitical conflicts. This paper analyses what forms the speech act of threat can take in the political discourses of two European countries: Germany and Spain. It attempts to identify similarities and structural differences in the realization of speech acts of threat at the lexical, grammatical, and ...
The features of the English speech of Russian native speakers: The cognitive aspect
This paper is devoted to the influence of cognitive factors on the foreign language speech structure. Native Russian speakers tend to copy the native system of morphological and semantic-syntactic patterns in their English speech, which results in deviations from the authentic English norms. It is concluded that the foreign speech production ...
Borrowed speech in a written text
This article focuses on the problem of forms of including borrowed speech into a written text. The author corrects the established interpretation of direct speech, gives a detailed description of citation as a syntactic phenomenon, and offers its classification.
1. Вернадский В. И. Избранные труды ...
Linguistic Means Expressing Argumentation in Judicial Discourse late 19th: The Prosecutor’s Speech in Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov
This article analyses linguistic means of expressing argumentation in judicial discourse as used in the prosecutor’s speech in F. M. Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov. The author identifies logical and psychological types of argumentation characteristic of the 19th-century courtroom speeches. Such speeches use a complex structure of theses and arguments and employ ...
Urban speech as an object of linguistic research: written and spoken varieties
... and they highlight a new concept of the «regiolect» — a regional variety of the national language. The analysis of the scientific results of linguo-urbanistics reveals the dominance of the onomastic vector and obvious lack of research into urban speech. The authors specify discrepancies in the function of written and spoken language in linguistic, semiotic and psychological aspects. They also state destructive results of simple mechanical transfer of oral speech techniques to urban epigraphy,...
Quantitative analysis of parts of speech functioning of in Boris Ryzhy’s poetry
The article presents the results of counting and arranging parts of speech in Boris Ryzhy’s poems. The science article aims to identify and present an objective “part-of-speech picture” (as applied to nouns, adjectives and verbs) of Boris Ryzhy’s poetic idiolect. Within the framework of this research work was ...
Speech representation of the category of authorship in modern Serbian journalism
The article reveals the specificity of the speech representation of the author’s category in the texts of contemporary Serbian publicists, devoted to the most acute and topical events in the life of Serbia’s domestic policy, in particular to the events of the election race and the results ...
The functional determination of speech aspects of a document
This article examines speech aspects of a strategic planning document — the Development Concept — and identifies factors determining its specifics. The text of the Concept is analysed using the communicative-genre approach, often employed in recent research works. This ...
The illocutionary aims of the positive-evaluative speech acts (in English artistic discourse)
The article analyses functional-semantic characteristics of the speech acts of positive evaluation in English artistic discourse. The article represents the taxonomy of the speech acts of positive evaluation and it includes the analysis of their illocutionary aims.
1. Апресян Ю. Д. Интегральное ...
Historical perspective on the word gospoda as a form of address
... (gospoda publika uvažaemye gospoda). It draws on examples from literature to demonstrate that although, contrary to popular belief, the honorific damy i gospoda is not a neologism of the end of the 20th century, it was marginal to pre-revolutionary speech. It is also shown that, albeit rarely, the word gospoda was used before the Russian Revolution to address a mixed company. Abandoned after the Revolution, the honorific underwent a revival in the second half of the 20th century when it was used ...
Gender and prosody: speech acts of demand
... D. R. Greek wh-questions and the phonology of intonation // Phonology. 2009. № 26 (1). P. 43—74.
8. Avraniti A., Baltazani M., Gryllia S. The pragmatic interpretation of intonation in Greek wh-questions // Proc. 7
International Conference of Speech Prosody. Dublin, 2014. P. 1144—1148
9. Boersma P. Acoustic analysis // Research methods in linguistics. Cambridge, 2013. P. 375—396.
10. Clopper C. G., Smiljanic R. Effects of gender and regional dialect on prosodic patterns in American English ...
Functional and semantic aspects of threat in requestive speech acts (based on the Soviet and Russian feature films)
... reflects the cultural and mental state of any nation as well as the state of its language. Based on the analysis of the fragments of the Soviet and contemporary Russian films, the author determines the role and purpose of the requestive threat as a speech act, and identifies the composition and role of various components of requestive threat speech acts as a type. Requestive speech acts are a means of indirectly derived expression of a corresponding meaning.
1. Крючкова Г. Н. Особенности ...
The functional and pragmatic features of speech acts with the meaning of consent
This article deals with the main types of speech acts with the meaning of consent in the contemporary dialogical discourse. The author identifies the specific pragmatic features of speech acts of consent and offers their typology.
Баранов А.
Н., Крейдлин Г.
The linguistic personality of A. V. Makedonov in the epistolary discourse of the 1990s (based on his letters to Margareta O. Thompson held in the archive of the Literary Museum of the Smolensk State University)
This article considers the speech portrait of the renowned Soviet critic A. V. Makedonov — A. T. Tvardovsky's friend and companion. Makedonov’s correspondence with Margareta O. Thompson, an American student of Tvardovsky’s oeuvre, dates back to the early 1990s. The epistolary ...
The functional and pragmatic features of assonance phraseological reflexes
... process of verbal interaction only as markers of pragmatic intentions. Therefore, the attempts to describe them in terms of traditional semantics prove unsuccessful. A proper study of assonance phraseological reflexes is possible only in the framework of speech act theory. From the cognitive perspective, these units of speech are an example of a language game typical of speech subcultures.
1. Баранов А. Н., Добровольский Д. О. Принципы семантического описания ...
Reported Speech in Slavic Hagiography of 'Pletenije Sloves' Literary Style: Pleonastic Structures with Elements of Direct Speech
This article considers the peculiarities of pleonastic phrases containing reported speech in Southern Slavic and Old Russian works of the Pletenije Sloves' style. The author detects the interrelation between these peculiarities and the tradition followed by the scribes: Biblical (Epifanij Premudryj) and Byzantian rhetorical (the Tyrna ...
The origins of confrontation with Western countries and the “Munich speech” of Vladimir Putin
In February 2007 Russia’s President Vladimir Putin made a speech at the Munich conference on security. In his speech, Vladimir Putin criticized the dominance policy pursued by the USA and its allies and spoke about the need to form a new system of world order based on partnership and good neighbourly relations ...
The language of muteness: examining the work of Gazdanov and Salkazanova in Paris
... historical, cultural aspects, and aims to determine its linguistic classification and overall significance. The discourse itself is interpreted as a revival of the archaic ritual of silence practiced in Ossetian patriarchal families, serving as a form of speech etiquette. This relic language practice, rooted in Indo-European archaic traditions, represents a manifestation of the rite of passage and allows individuals of Ossetian origin, who may have lost their native language due to external circumstances,...
The ‘Russian Poetic Speech — 2016’ Project as a Cultural Narrative of Modern Russian Poetry
This article presents a methodological description of the ‘Russian Poetic Speech — 2016’ narrative project aimed to identify, demonstrate, and study a cross-section of modern Russian poetry. The author addresses the foundations of the narrative project, its ideology, as well as its publication and promotion components. ...
On the author’s speech structure of Kant’s axiological discourse
The major difference between Kant's axiological and cognitive discourse is that the former contains a greater number of personal pronouns that signify different speech roles of the author. This text is characterised by a more direct expression of the addressee factor, which explains the emergence of the speech acts that are absent in Kant's cognitive texts. Another substantial difference is the explicit imperative ...