Baltic accent

2020 Vol. 11 №4

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Verbal aggression in modern poetry: conventional and uncon­ventional functioning of discourse markers



The article examines the specifics of speech aggression in poetic communication. Special attention is paid to the unconventional functioning of discourse markers of aggression. The aim of the study is to analyse aggressive verbal behaviour in poetic communication and iden­tify distinctive characteristics of expressing aggression in everyday discourse. The research methodology includes methods of linguopragmatic, linguopoetic and discourse analyses. The author studies discourse markers of verbal aggression in poetic speech acts, where aggression can be expressed explicitly and implicitly. The study reveals specific strategies of expressing verbal aggression in poetic communication, which can include the self-referential criticism (through verbal aggression directed at the language of the poetic utterance, the actor of utter­ance, the poetic utterance as such and also the perceptual mechanism). The author studies the formation of aggressive message in poetic discourse and its subjectification.


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