IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2014 Issue №6

Transcendental reflection and the ideal of pure reason in Kant’s works


This article discusses the problem of correlation between the two fundamental concepts of Kantian philosophy — transcendental reflection and the ideal of pure reason. Based on the analysis of Kant’s three Critiques, the author demonstrates that the ideal of pure reason can be described as a goal that defines the shape of knowledge in any field of activity, whereas transcendental reflection is a means to embody the ideal of pure reason in practice, i. e. to apply it to concrete disparate and multifarious empirical material.

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Seeming confusion in interpretation: George Berkeley and Immanuel Kant


The article deals with the phenomenon of idealism in 18th century European science. The author focuses on the methods and images of constructing a philosophical model that Kant borrowed from his predecessors. The status of existence of the external world in the space of Berkeley’s philosophy and its influence on Kant’s system are analysed as one of the key issues of idealism. The author seeks to familiarize the reader with the contentious issues relating to the problem of identity of Berkeley’s and Kant’s systems and corresponding critique.

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Feeling and faith in F. H. Jacobi’s Vorrede, zugleich Einleitung...


This article analyses the understanding of feeling and faith in the late work of F. H. Jacobi Vorrede, zugleich Einleitung in des Verfassers sämtliche philosophisch Schriften. The author emphasises the similarity between the interpretation of faith in F. H. Jacobi’s work and the understanding and definition of faith given by Paul the Apostle in the Epistle to the Hebrews, chapter 11. Feeling, as understood by F. H. Jacobi, is a presupposition of perception of another person as a personality or hypostasis. The article stresses today’s relevance of Jacobi’s thought.

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Perception of Nietzsche in Russian philosophy abroad: The case of the Sovremennye zapiski journal


This article considers the response of Russian philosophers abroad to Nietzsche’s philosophy in the pages of the Sovremennye Zapiski journal. The philosopher’s ideas addressed in the journal are identified. The author analyses the significance of Nietzsche’s thoughts on certain Russian philosophers abroad.

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Grigory Landau: A twice forgotten philosopher


This article considers the main provisions of philosophology — the system developed by Grigory Landau, a Russian philosopher abroad. The author identifies the grounds on which the philosopher distinguishes between philosophology and philosophy, as well as the correlation between the notions. The basic elements of the system developed – the motive of thinking and philosopheme — are identified and characterised. These elements are supertemporal, their interaction in the consciousness of a subject is instrumental in streamlining experience.

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The Pythagorean-mathematical component of P. A. Florensky’s social philosophy


This article considers the amalgamation of N. Bugaev’s arrythmology and G. Leibnitz’s monadology supplemented by G. Cantor’s set theory as the methodological basis of P. A. Florensky’s teaching on future state, which made it possible for the Russian philosopher to create a holistic social and philosophical project – the quintessence of development of a new culture, where the fate of a person and the state are indivisible. In the future state, people are units, Pythagorean numbers, or monads that have value not by themselves, but as parts of the whole set; this set-state is dominated by the supreme monad-hero vested with the theurgic grace of deciding the fates of people. Florensky plays the role of a “social engineer” who develops the concept of a good state, whereas the human being serves as material for this social and mathematical structure.

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Kant’s political philosophy revised from the perspective of feminist epistemology


In the second half of the twentieth century, similar to other classical concepts of modernity , Immanuel Kant’s political philosophy became an object of postmodern critique, also from the standpoint of feminist philosophy. Feminist critique made it possible to develop a new perspective on Kant’s heritage and identify the influence of the patriarchal tradition in his philosophy.

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On asymmetry in game-theoretic semantics


This article provides an analysis of the key aspects of game-theoretic semantics and demonstrates its advantages in presenting incomplete information and imperfect memory. The author identifies the limitations of J. Hintikka’s game-theoretic semantics as to the problem of asymmetry in semantic games. The article provides an overview of concurrent game-theoretic semantics.

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The philosophical aspects of anagrams


This article discusses the functions of anagrams in the philosophical discourse in terms of their general cultural functioning. Thus the study is brought to a more general level, which makes it possible to identify the cognitive mechanisms of anagrams. General conclusions about the functioning of anagrams in the philosophical discourse are made. The author stresses the originality of their structuring (text forming) function, the expansion of discursive semantics created by them and its orientation to the sphere of the irrational; the mechanisms of interaction between the semantic structure of the philosophizing personality and the texts created by them are identified.

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