The Embodied Practical Ideal: Kant’s Ethicotheology and Godmanhood
... archetype of perfection only as its pure and whole moral attitude through all the maxims and acts. Philosophy would transcend its boundaries if it claimed more and expected recognition of the prototypical theology of the ideal as the content of church faith. But it is not by chance that Kant sets forth the philosophical theory of the archetype as the content of faith in the subjunctive mood. According to Kant, the preaching of the divine character of the archetype as extra-philosophical supplement ...
Feeling and faith in F. H. Jacobi’s Vorrede, zugleich Einleitung...
This article analyses the understanding of feeling and faith in the late work of F. H. Jacobi Vorrede, zugleich Einleitung in des Verfassers sämtliche philosophisch Schriften. The author emphasises the similarity between the interpretation of faith in F. H. Jacobi’s work and the understanding and definition ...
Dispute about Holbein as a dispute about faith: discussion around Fedor Dostoevsky’s novel ‘The Idiot’
... [Catalog of ancient Russian painting of the 11th — early 18th centuries. Experience of historical and artistic classification]. In 2 vol. Vol. 1. XI — the beginning of the XVI century. Мoscow (in Russ.).
Begicheva, V., 2012. Dostoevsky and Holbein: faith versus disbelief. Nauka i religiya [Science and religion], 8, pp. 42—47 (in Russ.).
Budanova, N. F., ed., 2005. Biblioteka F. M. Dostoevskogo: Opyt rekonstruktsii. Nauchnoe opisanie [F. M. Dostoevsky’s Library: Experience of reconstruction....
Vernunft und Glaube. Zu Kants Deduktion der Gnadenlehre
... can reasonably hope to achieve goodness in one’s moral conduct because of God’s grace. A transcendental deduction (b) has to justify conditions that enable the acquisition of rational claims. The justification of the claim of practical reason that faith is a necessary precondition of one‘s moral conduct has now to be understood as complementary to the result of the transcendental deduction of the categories, namely the restriction of theoretical reason to the sensible world. Faith in God’s ...
Between faith and disbelief: the theme of life and death in Yu. N. Ivanov’s novel Dances in the Crematory: Ten Episodes from the Life of Königsberg
... the textual space of the novel. I prove that, at the ideational-thematic level, the principle of fragmentarity is manifested in the novel in the form of a series of antithesis themes and binary oppositions (peace/war, life/death, god/evil, love/hate, faith/disbelief, God/devil), which reveal the author’s worldview and integrate semantically different dimensions of the novel — subjective, psychological, moral, philosophical, and fictional ones. These oppositions emphasise the novel’s leitmotif ...
Axiological objectification of death denial in humorous discourse
... number of humorous works in recent years where death is actualized as well as by insufficient covering value characteristics and comic objectification of death. The article demonstrates that death denial is actualized through cunning, cowardice and faith. In humorous discourse cunning is expressed through intention to deceive death using such ethical anti-value solution as acquiring eternal life. Immortality is obtained with the help of magic potions and rituals or in some unexpected way. The study ...
I. Kant on religion, faith, god, and church
... Professor L. A. Kalinnikov; per. s nem. I. D. Koptseva, in: Kantovskiy sbornik [Kant collection]. Kaliningrad, Vol. 21, s. 196—244.
5. Sudakov, A. K. 2009, Meshdu veroy serdza i blagochestiem razuma: kak Kant ne stal philosophom Otkroveniya [Between the faith of heart and godliness of mind, as Kant was not a philosopher of Revelation], in: Kantovskiy sbornik [Kant collection]. No. 1, s. 39—53.
Kant, philosophy of religion, faith, church, Christianity, reason
Belov V. N., Fakhrudinova E. R.
Die Bibel als moralisches Bilderbuch? Kants ‚doktrinale Hermeneutik‘ und ihr Nutzen für die moralische Kultur des Menschen
... Identität von Gott und reiner praktischer Vernunft in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants. In: G. Kruip, M. Fischer, Hg. 2006. Als gäbe es Ihn nicht — Vernunft und Gottesfrage heute. Berlin & Münster: Lit, S. 55-63.
Kant, philosophy of religion, church faith, rational faith, hypotyposis, symbol, Bible
Abel S.
Functional and semantic characteristics of emotive and perceptual vocabulary in hagiography of Nikolay Yaponskiy.
... with mental activity (reflected in the figurative meanings of linguistic units) has been established. The article describes explication of processes that are beyond the boundaries of perception by means of the senses and that open up to the men of faith.
When analyzing the emotive vocabulary used in hagiographic texts, it was found that the vocabulary of emotions in the life reveals the meanings that are essential for understanding the author's concept and becomes an important means of creating ...
Fyodor Dostoevsky vs Karl Marx: Personal Freedom in Existential and Social Dimensions
Vladiv-Glover, S., 2018. The Dialectic of Capitalism, Socialism, and the Split Subject in the Phenomenology of Crime and Punishment. The Dostoevsky Journal, 19 (1), pp. 74—83,
human, alienation, moral compass, faith, capitalism, socialism
Savelieva E.N., Budenkova V.E., Kraevskaya I.O.
Die Grenze zwischen Glauben und Wissen: Zur Wirkungsgeschichte und aktuellen Bedeutung von Kants Religionsphilosophie
... Herzensfrömmigkeit und Wissenschaftsmanagement // Neuner P., Wenz G. Theologen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Darmstadt, 2002. S. 33—52.
post-metaphysical and post- Christian thinking, highest good, ethic community, universal invisible church, religious faith, tolerance, religious self-understanding, religious experience, post-secular society
Habermas J. (Übersetzt von A. Ju. Schatschina und S. W. Schatschin)
The concept of postulate in Kant's philosophy
... Mathematisches Lexicon. Leipzig, 1716.
30. Wolff Chr. Philosophia rationalis sive Logica. Leipzig, 1740.
postulate, axiom, hypothesis, principle, fundamental principle, maxim, highest good, existence of God, immortality of soul, autonomy of will, faith
Kryshtop L. E.