IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2023 Issue №2

Idiomaticity of translation as assessive category


This article will clarify the use of the term “idiomaticity” in its evaluative meaning in relation to translation. Idiomaticity is considered from the point of view of compliance with the norm of usage as a category that ensures the naturalness of translated discourse. The example of translated texts will be used to show the results of the translator’s ability or inability to switch codes in an idiomatic mode. With the help of introspection and corpus data, an attempt will be made to clarify the nature of cognitive failures arising from non-compliance with the accepted norms and defeated expectations in the perception of a translated text. The opposition “idiomatic” — “non-idiomatic” can be considered appropriate and sufficient in evaluating the quality of translation.

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Conflictogenicity of digital communication forms in the aspect of linguistic security (on the comments on blogs of the Yandex-Zen platform)


The object of this study is a blog as a form of digital communication that often violate the linguistic security. The subject of the study was the comments of Yandex-Zen blogs about cooking and beauty as a tool for the implementation of verbal abuse. The purpose of the study is to highlight the linguo-conflictogenic components of discourse that violate the linguistic security of participants in digital communication. To achieve this goal, a descriptive method and the method of discursive analysis were used. In the course of linguistic analysis, it was revealed that online media content is characterized by an increased emotions, expressiveness, aggressiveness, sarcastic tone and conflict potential. Markers of aggression are most often invective; pejoratives with semantic dominants of aggression, hostility and irony; graphic selection of words, etc. Within the framework of hating, trolling and elfing, some linguo-conflictogenic elements of discourse that can be avoided in network communication were identified and described. It is concluded that the use of non-normative language units poses a threat to network communication from the linguistic security point of view. Meanwhile, the authors propose some measures to prevent the potential for conflict in digital communication, and outline the prospect of further research in the field of linguistic security of a person on the Internet.

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The ways of modality expression in the poem “On the way to Skyros” by Joseph Brodsky


This article focuses on an in-depth analysis of the poem “On the way to Skyros” by Joseph Brodsky. The goal of this article is to identify the ways the author expresses his guidelines in the process of transformation of the mythological plot (the myth of Theseus). The analysis has been carried out on three levels: linguistic, compositional and ideological in order to determine the specifics of expression of the author’s modality in the poem in question. It has been established that the substantial (ideological) plan of the text, represented by a system of characteristic motives, forms the meanings of the author’s modality. An accentuated role in the text is played by explicators of situational modality: obligation, desirability and possibility.

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The role of the concorded renaming in the formation of the oikonymy in the Kaliningrad Region


The article examines the ways in which the original East Prussian and new Soviet oikonyms were concorded during the post-war renaming of some settlements in the Kaliningrad region. A comparative phonetic and semantic analysis of the respective names revealed that the same thematic correlation (with a predominance of references to the flora, fauna and water bodies of the area) and ideological antonymy, usually manifested in an indirect form, prevail among them. In addition, translation (usually partial), semantic antonymy and borrowing were used somewhat less frequently by the renaming activists to concord oikonyms. The author states that agreed renominations are insignificantly represented in the study material, not exceeding 11 % of all regional renominations, and concludes that they are predominantly accidental in nature.

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