Cognitive training as a method of developing cognitive functions in young athletes
The relevance of the study is determined by the importance of cognitive functions for high performance in sports. Cognitive training is one of the ways to develop cognitive functions. The study shows a positive influence of the method proposed on the state of cognitive functions in young athletes in the recovery ...
Conceptualisation of transfer and translation in modern linguistics
... cultural transfer approaches. The paper shows how scholars conceptualise translation and how the concept of translation transforms. The differences between the above-mentioned schools relate to the way translation is perceived; they also show which cognitive operations or procedures each linguistic paradigm identifies as priority ones. The understanding of translation corresponds to different cognitive operations — shared knowledge is important for structuralism, perspectivisation is relevant ...
Poetry as a space for cognitive research: Czesław Miłosz and Howard Nemerov
... House by Howard Nemerov), the author examines the possibilities of thinking about cognitive problems in the space of poetry. Reincarnating as their characters (philosopher and artist), Miłosz and Nemerov work in the subject area of professional cognitive scientists, they reproduce the process of analytical thinking.
The article studies the poetic cognitive schemes that create a mental image of reality. Cz. Miłosz and H. Nemerov build a similar route for the verbal representation of the ...
The cognitive model of ‘NARCISSISM’ as represented in Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray
This article aims to describe the linguistic features of explicating the cognitive model of ‘NARCISSISM’ in Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. Methodologically, the study draws on cognitive salience theory, dealing with elements such as trajectory and landmark when analysing the verbalisation of the model ...
The problem of cognitive deficiency in breast cancer patients
The article siscusses the works on the psychological support for people with an oncological diagnosis, namely, with breast cancer. The range of psychological research and therapeutic practices is narrowed to the study of the features of cognitive functions characterized by deficiency. Also in the work, based on the research results available to date, the hypothesis of the presence of cognitive deficits is put forward and theoretically substantiated even before the oncological diagnosis....
A cognitive approach to argumentation and message produc-tion
This article compares a cognitive approach to argumentation with message production. The author distinguishes between two kinds of cognitive approaches to argumentation. Certain similarities and differences between D. Hample’s and V. Bryushinkin’s concepts are analysed. ...
Ontological taxonomy as a means to inventory the elements of the semantic metalanguage of cognitive analysis (based on E. V. Rakhilina’s monograph Cognitive Analysis of Object Names (Semantics and Collocations))
In this work, I address the problems of inventorying the semantic metalanguage used in cognitive analysis to describe the meaning and collocation characteristics of object names. I establish correlations between elements of the semantic metalanguage to explain the meanings of linguistic units and speech sections in E. V. Rakhilina’s monograph ...
The cognitive structures of the concept of SUCCESS in the Russian common mentality
The paper attempts to reconstruct the deep cognitive principles underlying the idea of success among native speakers of the Russian language. To this end, the concept of SUCCESS is examined in two aspects — onomasiology and deep semantics. For the first time, two models of success in the Russian ...
Cognitive space of the Russian romance
... a short history of the term “romance” and the genre of Russian romance, describes the problems of studying the romance. Russian romance is presented as a social-cognitive construct with a particular set of historically and culturally conditioned cognitive indicators. A comparative analysis of the texts of the Russian romance and Russian lyrical songs revealed the national characteristics of the lyric song, as well as the cognitive characteristics peculiar to the romance: focus on feelings, ...
A theoretical and methodological framework for the cognitive approach to word formation studies
The present-day stage of scientific knowledge is characterized by a shift of research aims in different scientific spheres to the cognitive aspects of linguistic phenomena. The cognitive approach to research on word-formation processes is supported by many linguists; however, still being insufficiently developed, it requires a systematization of new methodological tools. The author ...
Artistic individual image of the language in P.Celan's poetry
... Among the basic techniques of conceptualization being described are nomination, predication (identifying the main definitional features of the concept, actualized in the utterance) and figurative-descriptive representations (such as ontological cognitive metaphors). The study has shown that the complex use of the above mentioned tools enriches the interpretation field of the existing concept and can serve as the basis for the emergence of a new one. The theoretical ideas are illustrated by examples ...
Cognitive and speech characteristics of an author of a mnemonic text
The focus of the article is on various aspects of the creative identity of an author of a mnemonic text represented by the concept of cognitive and communicative subject. The features of the author’s cognitive, communicative, discursive, and linguistic identities are described and the ways of their representation are shown in the case of the memoirs of the Lithuanian writer B. Sruoga ...
The integration of the motion and cognitive activities of preschool children
This article emphasises the need to integrate preschool students' physical and cognitive activities as a cohesive system of knowledge, actions and cognitive approaches, learning targets, and the means and methods of teaching.
Григорьев В.
Характеристика модульной интегрированной ...
Metaphorisation as a pattern of term formation in Russian and English within the semantic field “Insurance”
Term formation is viewed through the cognitive linguistics paradigm. The term is characterized as a semeiotic model correlating with a certain cognitive discourse pattern. Metaphorisation is defined as the nomination pattern. In the following article we tried to pick out the major cognitive ...
A study into the structure of academic and professional abilities of students of the life safety field of study
This article describes an integrated study into the cognitive-intellectual and cognitive-motor components of students' abilities. The research is aimed at the development and implementation of a principally new technique of complex psychodiagnostics of academic and professional abilities of students of the Life Safety field of study, the mathematical and statistical elaboration of their structure, and the targeted formation of the core components of these abilities in order to develop "human...
Knowing humanity without knowing the human being: The structure of polemic in Kant’s political argumentation
... of law, the model of an ideal society can be pictured as a mechanism. However, his philosophy of history and politics claims the opposite, inclining towards organicism. The methodological framework for argumentation analysis is V. Bryushinkin’s ‘cognitive approach’. The author identifies the historical and ideational sources of decision-making criteria, which Kant assigns to his opponents. The article summarises relevant findings reported by H. Williams, G. Cavallar, R. Brandt, and others.
Freud’s cognitive and linguistic insights in the theory of dream interpretation
This article stresses the theoretical ‘touching points’ of S. Freud’s theory of dream in¬terpretation and modern cognitive linguistics. The authors stress the relevance of such lin¬guistic transformations as metaphor, metonymy, symbolisation, paronymy, homonymy, language game, and associative networks for Freud’s theory. Moreover, polysemy, initial context conditions,...
Cognitive-pragmatic approach for conditioning discourse competence of language students
Taking into account the dual nature of the concept of “discourse,” which forms the basis for defining discursive competence, the expediency of using a cognitive-pragmatic approach in developing the discursive competence of students in language-oriented programs is justified, with a description of its main principles. Didactic principles are identified: the principle of contextuality, the principle of speech-thinking activity, the principle of cooperation and interactivity, the principle of professional...
Non-standard problems in competence-based mathematics teaching
The authors analyse various types of non-standard tasks, identifies their main characteristics related to the formation of cognitive competence in mathematical education. The article explores ways of solving heuristic, research, and creative problems. A comprehensive approach to the definition of the nonstandard task is proposed. The proposed structure of the problem is based ...
The genesis of the subject in syntax as a manifestation of verbal and logical thinking
... grammatical sentences are analysed and compared in reference to the history of thinking put forward by Losev and “the theory of three areals” by G. Guillaume, according to which in-phrasal and out-phrasal morphologies are identified. The process of cognitive evolution of thinking is studied diachronically: from mythological thinking to verbal-logical thinking that is entirely manifested in the nominal structure and in the formation of the category of subject in syntax (subject formation). The influence ...
Metaphoric vectors of time
The article focuses upon cognitive foundations underlying the metaphoric conceptualization of time in the Anglo-American Weltanschauung. Special emphasis is put on basic image schemata underlying time perception and verbalization in the Old English, Middle English and Modern ...
Literary dreams from the cognitive perspective
This article solves the problem of identifying cognitive tactics developed in literary dreams. These include content dependence on the context, possible reproduction of future events, special significance on reproduced events, symbolic representation, the need for interpreter, etc. The obtained comparative ...
The “personal-social” antinomy as a mechanism for analysing and assessing pedagogical studies on developing cognitive interests in cadets
Using the “personal-social” antinomy, the author analyses the results of a historical and pedagogical reconstruction of the 1960s— 80s theoretical and practical studies on the development of cognitive interests in cadets within the training process at military schools. The analysis helps to identify the conditions for critical and creative application of these results in humanising the system of military education in modern Russia.
1. Артемьева ...
The features of the English speech of Russian native speakers: The cognitive aspect
This paper is devoted to the influence of cognitive factors on the foreign language speech structure. Native Russian speakers tend to copy the native system of morphological and semantic-syntactic patterns in their English speech, which results in deviations from the authentic English norms. ...
A correlation between the components of attitude towards health behaviour in adult students
... analyses the results of an empirical study of the structure of attitudes towards health behaviour in students of the age of 25—35 carried out with the help of a psychological questionnaire. The author stresses the disharmony in the development of cognitive, emotional-evaluative, and conativebehavioural components of health attitude. The conclusion is made that the prevalence of the cognitive component of the attitude does not ensure a strong attitude towards health behaviour.
1. Журавлева ...
Patterns and principles of formation a cognitive self-appraisal in primary school students
This article considers the patterns and principles of formation of cognitive self-appraisal in primary school students identified on the basis of analysisng the laws of dialectics and scientific literature.
Гершунский Б.
Философия образования для XXI века. (В ...