IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2023 Issue №2

Revisiting harm caused by illegal entrepreneurial activities


In the Russian Federation, everyone is guaranteed the right to freely use their property and skills to carry out entrepreneurial activities. The State is taking a set of measures aimed at both stimulating the population to engage in entrepreneurship and creating the most comfortable conditions for its implementation. However, providing entrepreneurs with ample opportunities to accomplish their intentions, unfortunately, not only gave rise to such a phenomenon as illegal entrepreneurship, which is a deterrent to the further development of market relations, but also promoted the growth of economic crimes. The analysis of law enforcement practice indicates that the preliminary investigation bodies are experiencing significant difficulties in determining the amount of damage caused by the crime in question. The dialectical-materialistic method of scientific cognition, analysis, synthesis and statistical method are used as the methodological basis of the research. The purpose of the research is to determine the amount of income received and the damage caused by illegal entrepreneurship. The achievement of this goal predetermined the need to consider various approaches to the interpretation of such a concept as "income from a crime under Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation". Within the framework of this study, a classification of damage from illegal entrepreneurship is proposed, depending on the subjects to whom it may be caused, and the need to include the loss of profits of the affected persons in the composition of the damage from the crime under consideration is analyzed.

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Institution of criminal proceedings for economic offences


At present, provisions of the law about an institution of criminal proceedings in the economic sphere are controversial. The order of criminal prosecution of such crimes also is not defined clearly. The purpose of the research is to develop the optimal scenario for initiating these criminal cases and determining the most appropriate procedure for their investigation. This study relied on the methods of comparative studies, analysis and synthesis. Using the method of comparative studies, the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Fe­deration and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the initiation of criminal cases in the economic sphere were compared. A graphic comparison was drawn between the content of part 3 of article 20 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and Chapter 23 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The research proposed to change the text of the conditions under which the private-public procedure for the criminal prosecution of crimes in the economic sphere is applied, shifting the focus from the fact of causing harm to the direction of the act itself (Part 3, Article 20, Article 23 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation). In addition, it is proposed to include the composition of Chapter 23 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the list of cases of private-public pro­se­cution to develop a single clear procedure for initiating these cases.

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Forensic aspects of cyberbullying as a form of destructive behavior on the Internet


The article analyzes the criminological aspects of the cyberbullying phenomenon as a form of destructive behavior on the Internet. The authors take criminological approach in considering the psychological characteristics of such behavior, as well as forms and types of its manifestation. The research described the most socially dangerous forms of cyberbullying, carried out the problem analysis of existing methods of prevention and counteraction to cyberbullying in modern science. The problems of investigation and prevention of bullying are incurred by very limited control in the digital space, first of all social networks due to anonymity of their users. The article proposes some measures to optimize the forensic prevention of crimes committed through cyberbullying. The choice of specific preventive measures should be conditioned by: materials of the criminal case; circumstances prevailing at the time of the decision to implement preventive measures; peculiarities of the personality of the juvenile and other factors.

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Correlation between the concepts of institution and sub-institution in criminal law


The article considers correspondence between the concepts of institution and sub-institution in the criminal law. The understanding of the criminal law sub-institution as an element of the structure of criminal law institute requires verification in terms of analysis of the correlation between these concepts. It is especially urgent due to the fact that the term sub-institution itself is not used by the official doctrine and law enforcement. Such analysis allows us to clarify the indicators of sub-institution of law and the grounds for its correlation with the institute of criminal law. Such approach encourages the author to identify the characteristics of criminal law sub-institution as an element of structure of criminal law institution, examine existing academic opinions on sub-institution and its place in the system of criminal law.

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