Revisiting harm caused by illegal entrepreneurial activities
... 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation". Within the framework of this study, a classification of damage from illegal entrepreneurship is proposed, depending on the subjects to whom it may be caused, and the need to include the loss of profits of the affected persons in the composition of the damage from the crime under consideration is analyzed.
Berezdovets M.S.
illegal entrepreneurship, harm, damage, income, profit, lost profit
The formation and development of regional system of commissioning non-profit organisations for social services
This article is an attempt at a comparative analysis of legal documents regulating social services commissioning in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Furthermore, the authors specify the concept of the given form of interaction of public authorities and noncommercial organizations and describe the advantages of social services commissioning as a mechanism of the implementation of regional socioeconomic policy.
О взаимодействии
органов государственной власти Калининградской...
Key problems of the preparedness of marketers to the new challen¬ges of digital communications era and their impact on a company’s performance
... непосредственного контакта с покупателем / пер. с англ. [В. Апанасик, Г. Огибин]. 2-е изд. М., 2011.
Kubina N
functions of marketing department, main challenges of the digital age, marketing investment profitability, key competencies of marketing specialists, marketing performance assessment.
Taxation of Special Economic Zone Residents in Russia: Legal Issues
... арбитражного суда Северо-Западного округа от 29 сентября 2009 года по делу №А21—9029/2008. URL: http://www.arbitr. ru/bras/
Nilov K.
special economic zone, tax benefits, property tax, profit tax
The system of transfer pricing: approaches, models, and application in the public sector of economy
... понятия, особенности, подходы к сравнению //
Проблемы современной экономики
. С.
Pashkus V. Yu.
transfer pricing, public sector, responsibility center, the profit center, expenditure center, investment sector.