The development of small innovative enterprises through harmonising economic interests
The harmonisation of economic interests is one of the essential preconditions for the development of enterprises, including small ones. As practice shows, the harmonisation of major interests of small innovative business requires not only market instruments, but also state regulation, which demands the development of a corresponding mechanism. This study sets out to develop and justify the macroeconomic mechanism of development of small innovative enterprises on the basis of harmonisation of basic...
Situational approach in the prosecution in intended bodily harm cases
This article discusses the role of forensic situation studies in examining court situations. The author's classification of typical situations arising during the trial of cases of willful grievous bodily harm is presented. The specific elements of the state charge by the prosecutor in the trial court are analyzed.
1. Волчецкая Т. С. Криминалистическая ситуалогия. Калининград, 1997.
2. Волчецкая ...
Intonological aspect of the vocal form of the language (on the example of the Russian choir)
The article studies intonation features of vocal form of the language. The melody of national opera music reveals inherent prosodic corrrelation with the language intonation units and their features. The two cognitive systems, namely music and language, function via intonological models (the ones characteristic of both music and speech) of perception. Although the vocal music melody of a national language is not fully identical to speech intonation patterns acoustically, it still includes a number...
Revisiting harm caused by illegal entrepreneurial activities
..., depending on the subjects to whom it may be caused, and the need to include the loss of profits of the affected persons in the composition of the damage from the crime under consideration is analyzed.
Berezdovets M.S.
illegal entrepreneurship, harm, damage, income, profit, lost profit
The concept of body and the problem of demarcation in new European metaphysics: from Descartes to Kant
The origin of science and the demarcation between science and metaphysics are the main features of early modern period. This demarcation faces a particular problem with conceptualisation of body, which can be considered both as just physical body and as closely bound up with spirit. Different ways of explaining the interaction between mind and body form the complex tradition, which significantly influenced Kant’s precritical writings. Limitation of the crucial distinction between these two substances...
The concept of extreme necessity in the crime qualified by Article 199.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
... Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 48 dated 26.11.2019 "On the practice of applying Legislation on Liability for Tax crimes by courts".
Tsirit O.A.
extreme necessity, concealment of funds, prevented harm, criminal liability
On countering the illegal provision of massage services by legal means
... Российской Федерации : федер. закон от 13.06.1996 г. № 63-ФЗ // Собр. законодательства РФ. 1996. № 25. Ст. 2954.
Sungurova E. D.
health protection, medical massage, cosmetological massage, harm to health, provision of services that do not meet safety requirements
The Evolution, or Seasonal and Interannual Variability, of the Diurnal Variation of Hydrometeorological Fields in the Southern Baltic Sea
We present the results of an analysis of field observations of the air temperature Ta, the dew point Td (relative humidity f), the sea-level atmospheric pressure P0, and the wind speed W. The data were obtained by a Mini- KRAMS-4 hydrometeorological facility installed within Russia’s exclusive economic zone in the southeastern Baltic Sea on the LUKOIL-KMN (D6) offshore ice-resistant fixed platform and at MARNET monitoring stations of the German Oceanographic Datacentre (BSH / DOD (M41)) in 2002—2016...