IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2019 Issue №1

Developing the computer database as a structural element of geoinformation system on the pogrom movement history


The article analyzes of the creation of a computer database on the pogrom movement history. In the research, systematization methods enabled to pre­pare sev­eral maps with a breakdown of the pogroms' speeches by time inter­vals in accord­ance with the main stages of the revolutionary process of 1917—1918 and the com­position of participants. One of the objectives of this work is to demonstrate the need to optimize the databases and offer the most illustra­tive thematic maps. The study resulted in the analysis of practical experience gained in the “adaptation” of ready-made databases to the formation of geo­graphic information systems.

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Migration processes on the Recovered territories in Poland in 1945—1950


The migration processes on the so-called Recovered territories, trans­ferred from Germany to Poland after the Second World War, are analyzed in documents and recent research. The author identifies the main migration waves that came in the first post-war years, gives a social description of the main groups of migrants and local Polish-speaking residents, shows the con­tradictions and conflicts between them and analyzes the difficulties encoun­tered in the process of their integration. The article concludes that the migra­tion policy for the authorities of the Polish People's Republic became the main instrument for confirming their historical rights on the Recovered territories, as well as their rapid repolonization and integration of these lands into Po­land.

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How did Lithuania draw up its present borders? Part II


The author analyses the process of the formation of Lithuania’s territory during the Soviet period of its history. Facts and factors influencing decisions on the territorial issues of Lithuanian statehood are considered through the prism of relations between the Soviet republics and the central authorities of the USSR. The economic development of Soviet Lithuania was a decisive fac­tor in the republic’s territorial organization and management. By accepting the existing borders in the post-Soviet period Russia showed its aspiration to establish and develop genuinely good neighbourly relations with the truly sovereign Republic of Lithuania.

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