Post-war Repatriation of the Japanese from Southern Sakhalin
архив Сахалинской области. Ф. 459. Оп. 3.
центр документации новейшей истории. Ф. П-4. Оп. 1.
Kim I.
population of the USSR after the World War II, the Japanese, repatriation,
Migration processes on the Recovered territories in Poland in 1945—1950
... Polish Western Affairs. 1961. № 1. P. 88—110.
26. Żygulski K. Niemieckie “prawo do ojczyzny” a społeczna rzeczywistość // Kultura i Społeczeństwo. 1959. № 4. S. 256—284.
Zhirov A. A.
Poland, Recovered territories, migration policy, repatriation, autochthons, integration
The state repatriation programme: four years later
This article analyses the problems of the state voluntary repatriation programme and describes its key functions and implementation mechanisms. The author identifies the causes of deceleration in the repatriation process as well as the weak points of the Programme and the ways to improve it. The article offers ...