Faculty recruitment by the Kaliningrad Pedagogical Institute in 1948–the 1950s
In this article, we analyse faculty recruitment practices at the Kaliningrad State Pedagogical Institute. Our study relies primarily on the analysis of the 1946–1990s personal records database of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. In particular, the database was created to examine the phases and principles of faculty recruitment in the first decade of the pedagogical institute. Although our project is still in the early ...
Developing the computer database as a structural element of geoinformation system on the pogrom movement history
The article analyzes of the creation of a computer database on the pogrom movement history. In the research, systematization methods enabled to prepare several maps with a breakdown of the pogroms' speeches by time intervals in accordance with the main stages of the revolutionary process of 1917—1918 ...
The application of the hermeneutic technology of remote training the case of the Database course in the framework of Business Informatics bachelor’s programme
... describe the pedagogical nature of herme-neutical technology of remote training on the basis of information hermeneutics. The stages of the process of application of remote training hermeneutical technology is analysed through addressing the case of the “Database” course.
Гадамер Х.-Г.
Истина и метод: Основы философской герменевтики /пер. с нем.; общ. ред. и вступ. ст. Б.
Н. Бессонова. М., 1988.
Дейт ...
Centres for the generation of scientific publications of the international level in the regions of Russia
In the past few years there has been a significant increase in the number of publications by Russian authors in international databases of scientific citation which is dictated by the desire to increase the global competitiveness of scientific and educational organizations. In order to assess the effectiveness of scientific work scientometric indicators are used to compare ...
Echelon lists as a source for the database of immigrants to the Kaliningrad region in 1946 (the case of the Pravdinsky district)
... указов Президиума Верховного Совета СССР. 1938 г. — июль 1956 г. / ред. Ю. И. Мандельштам. М., 1956.
Baranova E. V., Maslov V. N.
Kaliningrad region, migration, relocation, echelon lists, database
Toponyms as a convolutional cultural linguistic code
... Ономастика : [сайт]. URL: http://ономастика.рф/ (дата обращения: 12.05.2015).
Korolyova I.
proper name, toponym, cultural linguistic code, Smolensk toponymy, informational toponym system, toponyms entry, toponym database
Kanishchev V. V., Baranova E. V., Zhukov D. S.
dez_2017_a.pdf (дата обращения: 18.10.2018).
Content analysis of documents on urban riots in Russia, 1917—1918
Russian revolution, urban riots (pogroms), database, content analysis