The historical aspects and current issues of the development of Russian-Lithuanian economic relations
... ties with the Russian market. However, the initiatives of Lithuanian authorities did not result in successful state building, and the economic situation remained unchanged. The USSR leadership made an effort to improve the living conditions in post-war Lithuania. There were some mistakes made in the relations with the local population that resulted in Lithuanians’ resistance to sovietisation. However, in the conditions of post-war restoration of national economy and acute deficit of material and human ...
The formation of the political elite in Lithuania at the turn of the 1980s—1990s: the role of “moral politicians”
This article considers the trend of structural changes in the political elite of the Republic of Lithuania in the post-Soviet period through analyzing the role of the so-called “moral politicians” — intellectuals, artists, and cultural figures, who played a decisive role in the period of the communist system disintegration and further development ...
The Development of International Tourism in Lithuania: a Comparative Analysis of Regional Aspects
The processes related to the development of international tourism in Lithuania are of importance for the growth of economic, social, and cultural welfare. The increasing tourist and recreational attractiveness of such cities as Druskininkai, Trakai, Palanga, Vilnius, and Klaipeda to international tourists, as well as an ...
Lithuania of the 11th—14th centuries in the works of Russian historians of the 1850—1870s
The article analyses the works on the history of medieval Lithuania (11th—14th centuries) by I. D. Belyaev, K. N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, N. I. Kostomarov and M. O. Koyalovitch. It focuses on Russian scholars’ perception of Lithuania in 1850—870. Employing the comparative historical method and content analysis,...
Modern Lithuanian foreign policy: the adjustment of traditional policy
... This objective is achieved with the help of an integrated approach with elements of interdisciplinary research. Special attention is paid to the comparative-historical approach, which facilitates the analysis of the relations between the Republic of Lithuania and the neighbouring states and its principal partners. Alongside traditional methods of historical research, this work employs such methods as participant observation, content and event analysis, and simultaneous and comparative analysis. The ...
The restoration of the political independence of Lithuania in the late 1980s-early 1990s: a historiographical review
... Vilnius, 1991.
19. Landsbergis V. Kryžkelė. Politiniai tekstai (1992-1994) ir šiek tiek atsiminimų.
Vilnius, 1995.
20. Laurinavičius C., Lopata R., Sirutavičius V. Military transit of the Russian Federation
through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. Vilnius, 2002.
21. Laurinavičius C., Sirutavičius V. Lietuvos Istorija. Sąjūdis: nuo ―Persitvarkymo‖ iki kovo 11-osios. 12 t., 1 d. Vilnius, 2008.
22. Lietuva 1940—1990. Okupuotos Lietuvos istorija. Lietuvos gyventojų genocide ir ...
The research and technology development in Lithuania and the prospects of research and technology cooperation between Lithuania and the Russian Federation
This article focuses on the present state and prospects of research and technology development in Lithuania. The authors focus on the main competitive innovation spheres (information technologies, biotechnologies, special purpose laser technologies) and analyse the principal lines of innovation policy and strategy. The article presents the results ...
After «the collapse of the empire»: British-American his-toriography of the first half of the 1990s on the parallels in the history of formation of the 20th century Lithuanian statehood
... differences between those movements. These scholars emphasize the ambiguity of the Soviet experience, as well as the internal conflicts within the Lithuanian political elite and demonstrate the productivity of the comparative approach.
1. Ashbourne A. Lithuania: the rebirth of a nation, 1991—1994. Lanham, 1999.
2. Espiritu A. A. Lithuania: from mobilization to revolution, 1988—90: thesis (MA) / University of Alberta. Alberta, 1992.
3. Klimas T. A comparison of the struggles for independence ...
The interaction between Lithuania and the USSR in 1920: disputable aspects
This article considers the vicissitudes of the Lithuanian — RSFSR negotiations in Moscow in the spring-summer of 1920. The author analyses the circumstances of the signing of the Moscow Peace Treaty between Lithuania and Soviet Russia on July 12, 1920 and focuses on the international response to it. The author pays special attention to the question of the character of Lithuania’s neutrality in the Soviet-Polish war in August-September 1920.
1. Документы ...
The Vilnius issue in international relations: the historiography of the problem
... violation of the Suwałki Agreement. The author pays special attention to the positions of western powers, the decision of the Conference of Ambassadors on March 15, 1923, and the mediation of the League of Nations in the territorial dispute between Lithuania and Poland. The article considers the existing historiographical concepts and evaluations of the role of the Soviet diplomacy in the Vilnius issue. The author identifies new trends in the contemporary historiography of the Vilnius problem.
How did Lithuania draw up its present borders? Part II
The author analyses the process of the formation of Lithuania’s territory during the Soviet period of its history. Facts and factors influencing decisions on the territorial issues of Lithuanian statehood are considered through the prism of relations between the Soviet republics and the central authorities ...
The Institutional Architecture of Territorial Innovative Systems: Towards a Spatially Targeted Regional Policy
... competitiveness of the entire system. Identifying the key elements of territorial capital is a global challenge faced by modern regional policy. I analyse the background for, and limits to, the development of a spatially targeted regional development policy. Lithuania’s so-called valleys – integrated centres for research and business — are a possible way to embrace the approach that suggests concentrating resources on breakthrough areas, which makes it possible to put local growth points on the international ...
The features of the genesis of modern Lithuanian multiparty system
... Saarts T. Comparative party system analysis in Central and Eastern Europe: the case of the Baltic states // Studies of transition states and societies. Vol. 3, iss. 3.
3. Симонян Р. Х. Россия и страны Балтии. М., 2009.
4. Lithuania’s independence: the litmus test for democracy in the U. S.S. R. // Lithuanian quarterly journal of arts and sciences. 1991. Vol. 37, № 3.
5. Крупавичюс А. Партии и партийные системы в Балтийских ...
The elite interaction in the post-Soviet Lithuania: the constitutional aspect
The article deals with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania as a result of inter-elite struggles in post-Soviet period of different power groups.
1. Estonian Human Development Report. Baltic Way(s) of Human Development: Twenty Years On. 2010/2011. Eesti Koostöö Kogu. Tallinn. 2011.
2. Geddes ...
Lithuania in Context of Eurointegration Processes: from Luxembourg to Helsinki
... author attempts to analyze the reasons for the division of the Baltic States into two negotiation groups as well as the developed mechanism of the acceleration of the preparation for the EU accession.
Agenda 2000
— Commission Opinion on Lithuania’s Application for Membership of the European Union. Brussels,15
July 1997. URL:
Graeme P.
Herd. The Baltic States and the EU enlargement ...
The «Lithuania-Poland-Russia» neighbourhood programme in the framework of the formation of the cross-border tourism region in the South-eastern Baltic and the promotion of the sustainable development of the territory
The «Lithuania-Poland-the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation» (2004—2006) neighbourhood programme implemented in 2004—2009 and the « Lithuania — Poland — Russia: 2007—2013» programme being drawn up in 2010 identify tourism development as one of priorities, which does not only contribute to the increase in competitive advantages of the participating territories but also facilitates ...