IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2017 Issue №4

Mutual alimentary obligations of parents and children


The author explores mutual alimentary obligations of children and parents. There are different forms of financial support including alimony. Alimentary obligation is the most important concept of the Family Code. However, neither the Family Code of the Russian Federation, nor other normative acts contains any legal definition of alimentary obligation. The author defines the concept of alimentary obligation and analyses the difference between the concepts of ‘support’ and ‘alimony’. The article describes the alimentary obligations of children in relation to parents and those of parents in relation to children. The author identifies some problematic issues of alimentation.

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New stages of the excessive budget deficit procedure for the EU member states and the assessment of their effectiveness


The majority of EU member states, for which the excessive budget deficit procedure was introduced in 2009, managed to eliminate the deficit of their national budgets in September 2017. The EU started a reform of its subsidiary legislation in 2011 and introduced significant changes to the excessive budget deficit procedure. The article analyses the stages of the excessive budget deficit procedure, particularly those having new and much tougher requirements. The author describes the degree to which these changes contribute to the elimination of the budget deficit. The conducted research shows that the new procedure was supplemented with additional sanctions. However, their introduction depends on the political will of EU member-states. The sanctions can potentially inflict additional damage on the financial situation in the EU states having budget deficit.

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Simplified methodology for investigating crimes


The article describes the system of methods of investigating crimes as a well-established form in the history of criminalistics. The success of the investigation of crimes depends on a comprehensive, objective examination of the circumstances of crimes, and on the correct choice of the mechanisms for proving the person's guilt. All these elements are united in the concept of the methodology for investigating crimes and have a certain content, depending on the type of the crime committed. The author singles out a simplified form of methodology having an intermediary position between the general and shortened form of investigating crimes. In addition, an attempt was made to justify the need for the introduction and application of a simplified form of methods for investigating crimes.

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Organization of passenger transport: сivil law regulations


The article examines the main problems of regulating public relations in the organization of automobile passenger transport as well as contractual obligations of parties ensuring the performance of passenger transportation services within the framework of the civil law. The organization of automobile passenger transportation is described in the subject matter of the service contract. The author concludes that there is a need for further specification of the subject of contracts on the organization of automobile passenger transport.

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On the protection of the right of disabled people to transportation services


It is of the utmost importance to ensure equal access of people with various disabilities to transport. This article examines the rights of disabled people associated with the use of vehicles as well as the main problems pertaining to it. The author considers legal practices and the existing provisions for ensuring access to transport and suggests possible comprehensive solutions to the most serious problems in this area.

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