Participation of foreign volunteers in the Greek Revolution of 1821—1830
The article examines the volunteer movement from European countries to Greece in order to assess its role in the revolution of 1821—1830. The study relies on the proclamations of the rebels, diplomatic documents, materials of the Philhellenic committees, the press, diaries, memoirs and correspondence of contemporaries....
New stages of the excessive budget deficit procedure for the EU member states and the assessment of their effectiveness
... Journal of the European Union. 1997. Vol. 40. L209. P. 6—11. URL:
(дата обращения: 01.10.2017).
7. Council Decision abrogating Decision 2009/415/EC on the existence of an excessive deficit in Greece: 19 September 2017 // European Commission, Closed Excessive Deficit Procedures. URL:
. (дата обращения: 01.10.2017).
8. Commission of the European Communities ...