The Development of a Criminalistics Theory in Russia and the United States: A Comparative Analysis
Drawing on a comparative analysis of current research and academic literature published in Russia and the United States, I describe the stages of the development of forensic science in the two countries. I analyse the structure and major areas of modern criminalistics. Special attention is paid to the relevant philosophical and methodological framework and the functions of forensic science. I give a detailed account of Russian and US scholars’ approaches to the nature, subject, and object of criminalistics ...
Simplified methodology for investigating crimes
The article describes the system of methods of investigating crimes as a well-established form in the history of criminalistics. The success of the investigation of crimes depends on a comprehensive, objective examination of the circumstances of crimes, and on the correct choice of the mechanisms for proving the person's guilt. All these elements are united in the ...
Criminalistic characteristics of crimes committed by intoxicated minors
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Makarova O.
criminalistics, characteristic features, crimes committed by minors, intoxication
Situational approach in the prosecution in intended bodily harm cases
... Официальный сайт МВД РФ. URL:
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8. Топорков А. А. Криминалистика : учебник. М., 2014.
Avakyan M.
criminalistics, forensic situation studies, situational approach, public prosecution, public prosecutor, willful infliction of grievous bodily harm
Forensic aspects of criminal process participants using mediation procedures: The role of the situational approach
... / ed. by W. G. Grewe. Berlin ; N. Y., 1995.
18. Официальный сайт Русской Православной Церкви. URL: http://www. (дата обращения: 25.06.2015).
Grishchenko M.
criminalistics, forensic tactics, criminal proceedings, mediation, situational approach.