Problems of preparedness of students’ parents for inclusive education
The preparedness of parents of children with and without special needs for inclusive education is problematized in view of the competence aspects of a teacher’s inclusive preparedness. The notion of co-preparedness of a diverse group of parents within a poly-subject educational ...
Mutual alimentary obligations of parents and children
The author explores mutual alimentary obligations of children and parents. There are different forms of financial support including alimony. Alimentary obligation is the most important concept of the Family Code. However, neither the Family Code of the Russian Federation, nor other normative acts contains any legal ...
An empirical study of trust between the agents of educational space in Russia and Poland
... space at Ka-liningrad school No. 32 and the Gdansk Gedanensis School. The authors identify the patterns of assessing students trust in teachers at all stages of school education. The article analyses the level of adolescents’ trust in teachers and parents at the Kaliningrad and Polish schools. The features of assessing the Polish and Russian teachers’ trust in students and parents are identified. The authors examine the students’ and teachers’ ideas of trust placed in them by other people