IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2016 Issue №4

The impact of Russia’s counter-sanctions on Lithuania’s foreign economic activities


This article explores Russian-Lithuanian trade relations under the EU sanctions against Russia and Russian counter-sanctions. The authors identify changes in the structure of foreign economic activities and examine the main trends, features and problems of trade. The authors analyse transformations in bilateral trade — the role of Russian in Lithuanian foreign trade and the volume of Russian-Lithuanian exports and imports of goods and services.

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Small and medium public-private enterprises in the Brest region of the Republic of Belarus: performance and characteristics


This article analyses the performance of small and medium public-private enterprises in the Brest region of the Republic of Belarus in 2010—2014. The authors examine the legislative and normative framework for the development of national small and medium enterprises and addresses problems of their development in different regions of the country.

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Energy security in the scientific and institutional discourse in Russia and Poland: problems and solutions


This article examines fundamental and applied approaches to energy security. The authors explore differences and similarities in the views of scientists and politicians on the issue and analyse energy security policies pursued in Poland and Russia (the Kaliningrad region). On this basis, the authors propose rational principles for solving the problem of energy security in the region.

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