Problems of introducing various forms of social entrepreneurship in the Kaliningrad region
This article addresses the interpretation of social entrepreneurship in the Russian legislation, as well as the introduction of various forms of social entrepreneurship in the Kaliningrad region. The author analyses the cases of social entrepreneurship development in the Kaliningrad region and identifies ...
On the governance of enterprenueral activity
... is to clarify two basic concepts of the theory of competition — ‘entrepreneur’ and ‘entrepreneurial activity’. To do this, the article makes a detailed comparative analysis of how these concepts are defined in the modern domestic theory of entrepreneurship, and on the basis of this, a conclusion is drawn about what drawbacks these definitions possess. In the future, eliminating these shortcomings, their clarification is made. On the basis of the refined notions of ‘entrepreneurship’ ...
Innovative factors and conditions of sustainable development of rural territories
This article considers the main features of sustainable development of rural territories, identifies the factors of innovative entrepreneurship, and assesses their influence on the condition of rural economy. Special attention is paid to the analysis of concepts, programmes, and projects in the field of rural territory development. The authors summarise conceptual and strategic ...
The development of regional aspects of theory of entrepreneurship
This article analyses major approaches to the development of entrepreneurship theory relating to its regional aspects. The author emphasizes the need and describes the possibility of applying interdisciplinary approach to the development of regional aspects of entrepreneurship theory. The theoretical assumptions ...
Revisiting harm caused by illegal entrepreneurial activities
In the Russian Federation, everyone is guaranteed the right to freely use their property and skills to carry out entrepreneurial activities. The State is taking a set of measures aimed at both stimulating the population to engage in entrepreneurship and creating the most comfortable conditions for its implementation. However, providing entrepreneurs with ample opportunities to accomplish their intentions, unfortunately, not only gave rise to such a phenomenon as illegal entrepreneurship,...
Methodological approaches to studying the socio-psychological aspects of business activities
... psychological factors whose influence increase the level of business activity. Special attention is paid to the psychological features of businessmen relating to the level of their ambitions, and the social and psy-chological characteristics of the subject of entrepreneurship.
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Development of motivation principles for entrepreneurship
The authors reveal major development trends of entrepreneurship theory giving details of motivation principles for entrepreneurial activity.
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Small and medium public-private enterprises in the Brest region of the Republic of Belarus: performance and characteristics
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Kubina N., Shved I.
public-private partnership, entrepreneurship, small and medium entrepreneurship
Some Problems of Legal Treatment of Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region
The article analyses the controversial provisions of the Law on Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad region and requirements to the residents of the Special Economic Zone. The author points out some problems of the practical application of special entrepreneurship regime faced by the residents.
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экономической зоне в Калининградской области и о внесении изменений в некоторые законодательные ...
On Sources and Mechanisms of Coastal Area Self-development
This article analyses the sources and mechanisms of economic self-development of coastal border territories. The example of the Kaliningrad region proves that the main internal catalyst of regional economic development is entrepreneurship functioning on the basis of genetic-cultural determination. The author comes to the conclusion that an efficient regional economic policy aimed at the increase in the region’s competitiveness should rest, first of all, on the development ...
A sectoral and regional analysis of innovative activities of Russian enterprises
... Федеральной службы государственной статистики РФ]. URL:
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Duplenko N., Smirnova O.
innovative activities, innovation, sectoral analysis, innovative entrepreneurship, region
The diagnostics of regional asymmetry of innovative development of small enterprises
... Asia // Journal of Policy Modeling. 2005. Vol. 27.P. 673—687.
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asymmetry of economic development, small innovative enterprises, innovative entrepreneurship
A reliable analysis of the results of economic risk hedging
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2. Меламед Л. Бегство во фьючерсы. М., 2010.
3. Agriculture futures and options. A hedger’s self-study guide. Chicago, 2004.
Shenderyuk-Zhidkov A.
hedging, economic risks, risk-management, open position, futures, entrepreneurship.
A regional level of integration processes: the opportunities for public-private partnership (the case of entrepresneurship)
... партнерства в экономике регионов РФ : дис. … д-ра экон. наук. М., 2010.
Borodavkina N. Yu.
integration processes, public-private partnership (PPP), international practices of integration and PPP, entrepreneurship.
Development of Regional Innovation Infrastructure: Objectives of Financial, Organisational, and Consultative Support
П., Гончаренко В.
Законодательство об инновационной деятельности: 10 лет развития // Инновациии. 2009. №
Savanovich A.
innovative economy, innovative entrepreneurship, regional innovation infrastructure.