IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2010 Issue №9

The legal regulation of inflicting damage on a criminal during detainment in the criminal codes of foreign states


This article deals with the provisions of a number of international criminal codes determining the permissible damage that can be inflicted on the criminal during detainment, thus creating the theoretical framework for the improvement of the corresponding provisions of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation.

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The improvement of the efficiency of residential burglary: The application of the modelling method


The article analyses statistical data about bиrglaries are investigated and generalised. The initial stage of investigation and the typical errors supposed by inspectors at investigation of crimes of the given kind is analyzed. The expediency of use of a method of modelling as the synthesising beginning capable considerably to raise efficiency of disclosing and investigation of bиrglaries is proved. It is underlined necessity of use of the situational approach and crime studying for three phases: precriminal, criminal and postcriminal.

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