Russian pre-revolutionary scientific ideas of criminal penalties of material nature
... of N. Sergeevsky’s treatise on criminal financial sanctions in the XVII century Russia. Special attention is paid to the research works of N. Tagantsev, I. Foynitsky and others. The author analyses the views of the time concerning expropriation and fines, and identifies reasons for the prevailing attitude to criminal penalties of material nature, which was consistently negative.
1. Бернер А. Ф. Учебник уголовного права. Ч. Общая и Особенная. СПб....
Some problems regarding the actor of penal legal relations
This article analyses the problems pertaining to the actor of penal legal relations. Through the example of the enforcement of a fine imposed on a juvenile offender, the author shows the interconnection between protective and penal legal relations and emphasises their similarity regarding the actor.
Бриллиантов А.
В., Курганов С.
Уголовно-исполнительное ...
Criminal penalties of material nature: Imposition and enforcement
This article focuses on the imposition and enforcement of criminal penalties of material nature – fines and community services. Special attention is paid to a low effectiveness of fine enforcement, in particular, due to the inflexibility of the legislative norm. The author presents several suggestions, in particular, reducing the minimum level of ...
The combat against organised crime and corruption in Russia: reality and prospects
... — декабрь. 2010 год.
URL: http://www.
_88233 (дата обращения 03.05.2011).
Minenok M. G.
organised crime, corruption, equity, morals, punishment, civil law,
confiscation, fine, committee.
“To think of an object and to know an object is… not the same”, or E. T. A. Hoffmann and “Transcendental analytic”
... Э. Т. А. Крейслериана. Житейские воззрения кота Мурра. Дневники. М., 1972.
7. Гофман Э. Т. А. Новеллы. Л., 1990.
E. T. A. Hoffmann as the Kantianist, knowledge, Kantianism in the fine art, opinion, to think, to get to know, transcendental reflection.
Kalinnikov L. A.
“To think of an object and to know an object is… not the same”, or E. T. A. Hoffmann and “Transcendental analytic”
... vozzrenija kota Murra. Dnevniki. M., 1972.
7. Gofman Je. T. A. Novelly. L., 1990.
8. Safranski R. Gofman. M., 2005.
9. Shelling F. V. J. O mirovoj dushe… // Soch. : v 2 t. M., 1987. T. 1.
E. T. A. Hoffmann as a Kantian thinker, knowledge, Kantianism in fine arts, opinion, to think, to cognize, transcendental reflection
Kalinnikov L.