The delegated power of an official
The notion of ‘official’ and their functional and structural features help carry out a legal assessment of the administrative activities of persons working at non-state (commercial and other) organisations. The author analyses the functions (powers) of an official ...
Ideology of English monolingualism as the basis of the US language policy
... Language, Ethnicity, and the Schools: Policy Alternatives for Bilingual Education. Washington, 1977.
6. Kloss H. Language Rights of Immigrant Groups // International Migration Review. 1971. № 5. P. 250—268.
7. Tatalovich R. Nativism Reborn? The Official English Language Movement and the America States. Lexington, 1995.
8. Tollefson J. Planning Language, Planning Inequality: Language Policy in the Community. N. Y., 1991.
9. Weiss B. American Education and the European Immigrant, 1840—1940....
The official as a public officer
This article considers the correlation between the definitions of the concept of ‘official’ given by the civil law and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The author analyses relevant academic views and judicial practice and formulates proposals on the legislative foirmalisation of the characteristics of a public officer ...
An employee as a perpetrator of crimes related to the abuse of office
This article analyses the court practice and the positions of experts on the detection of persons using their official position for criminal purposes. The author comes to the conclusion that the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation should clarify the content of the notion of the use of official position.
Безверхов А.
Служебные ...
The modal microfield of necessity in official and business documents in the Russian and Polish languages
Official and business documents published in modern Russian and Polish periodicals serves as the material for analyzing the expression plane of necessity microfield. The authors identify its central and peripheral components, as well as common properties ...
The tactical features of interrogating witnesses to crimes against public officials
This article considers the application of witness personality doctrine when investigating crimes against public officials. The cases of crimes against employees of correctional facilities help describe the features of different categories of witnesses and propose tactics of interrogating witnesses of each type.
1. Информационный бюллетень ...
On distinguishing the measures of constitutional responsibility and other measures of constitutional enforcement imposed upon the executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their officials
... measures of constitutional enforcement. The author puts forward several proposals regarding the classification of constitutional enforcement measures imposed on the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their officials.
Витрук Н.
Общая теория юридической ответственности. М., 2009.
Вершинина С.
О теории государственного принуждения // Право ...
Governor elections: An analysis of the federal and regional legislations
This article considers the improvement of the federal legislation on elections of the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The author analyses the legislation of the Kaliningrad region regulating the election of the governor of the Kaliningrad region. An analysis performed helps formulate certain recommendations ...