Some problems regarding the actor of penal legal relations
This article analyses the problems pertaining to the actor of penal legal relations. Through the example of the enforcement of a fine imposed on a juvenile offender, the author shows the interconnection between protective and penal legal relations and emphasises their similarity regarding the actor.
Actor-based network theory in the context of ideology and political ontology
The aim of this research is to consider the possibility of applying actornetwork theory (STS) to political processes. The authors analyze B. Latour’s criticism of the traditional political science and sociological approaches to the understanding of different spheres through the prism of ideology and interest. The initial assumptions and main arguments of the actor-network theory are compared with the post-Marxist theory of hegemony by E. Laclau and C. Mouffe. The conclusion draws attention to the...
Innovative development of rural settlements of the Leningrad region
11. Kaleta A. E-learning as a diffusion of innovation in the rural areas of the European Union // Eastern European Countryside. 2015. № 21 (1). P. 5—18. doi: 10.1515/eec-2015-0001.
12. Kurkela K., Virtanen P., Tuurnas S., Stenvall J. The actors involved in innovation processes and collaboration — a case study of eight Finnish municipalities // Lex Localis. 2019. № 17(2). P. 247—266. doi: 10.4335/17.2.247-266.
13. Martens K., Wolff A., Hanisch M. Understanding social innovation ...
Behavioral geoeconomics: a problem statement
... systemic-behavioural approach to economic processes and phenomena. In analysing existing approaches to the state and the socio-economic evolution, I emphasise the need to develop a special approach – a behavioural geoeconomics. It perceives states as single-order actors in the external and internal segments of the economic space. I propose to treat states as economic agents of a special type, which have resources, fulfil a target function, and interact with organisations and households. I conclude that a behavioural ...
Television news as a form of knowledge about politics
... Park R. News as a Form of Knowledge // American Journal of Sociology.1940. № 45. Р. 669—686.
15. Tuchman G. Making News: A Study in the Construction of Reality. N. Y., 1978.
Lisova S.
mass media, political information, news genre, political actors.