IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2024 Issue №3

Transdisciplinarity as a mechanism of educational innovations: synthesizing pedagogical experience


Due to the relatively recent emergence of transdisciplinarity in the educational sphere, the mechanisms of innovations, whose philosophical basis it constitutes, remain insufficiently studied. The aim of this article is to present a systematic experience in which transdisciplinarity serves as a mechanism for educational innovations and contributes to achieving new quality educational outcomes or obtaining more reliable, convenient, and functional pedagogical developments. The results include the development of a training technology for future educators to create transdisciplinary educational products. The main techniques for developing transdisciplinary educational products are identified and described: digitization of traditional or existing didactic tools, application of the latest scientific achievements to obtain new quality educational outcomes in pedagogical practice, application of the theory of optimality, the trial and error method, as well as the implementation of general scientific approaches in educational practice. The experience presented in the article can contribute to the development of student pedagogical startups and improve the quality of innovations in education.

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Cultural and leisure activities as an element of ethnocultural education for younger students in a supplementary educational institution


The aspects of effective organization of cultural and leisure activities within the framework of ethnocultural education implemented by a teacher in an additional education institution are analyzed in the article. Based on the studied sources, factors determining the relevance of the research (the importance of socialization, the conditions of a multicultural world) are identified, and distinctive features of several types of education (polycultural, multicultural, monocultural, and ethnocultural) are separately considered. The authors also examine the characteristics of cultural and leisure activities, their tasks, stages, and forms of implementation. The research focuses on the main aspects of organizing cultural and leisure activities within the framework of ethnocultural education in an additional education institution (functions, forms, means, content). As a result, factors determining the achievement of the goals of ethnocultural education for 6—11-year-old students (formation of ethnic identity and intercultural tolerance) through the participation of children in various forms of cultural and leisure activities are identified.

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Implementation of the principle of learning though speech patterns in profile-oriented foreign language training


One of the leading special methodological principles of professionally-oriented foreign language training — the principle of teaching based on speech patterns of a specific subject area — is highlighted. A theoretical analysis of the essence of this principle, its place and role in the system of principles of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching is presented, along with an attempt to practically implement this principle in the content of English language teaching for the subject area “Information Technology”. To achieve the goal: 1) the concept and essence of speech patterns in a specific professional field are specified; 2) similarities and differences in the use of the terms “speech pattern”, “speech template”, “speech cliché” are analyzed; 3) specific conditions for the implementation of the principle in practical pedagogical activities in professionally-oriented foreign language classes are determined; 4) the sequence of methodological and educational actions during foreign language training based on speech patterns of a specific subject area is described; 5) a practical implementation option of the principle for the purposes of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching for students in the field of information technology is proposed. The study concludes that the quality of such foreign language training indicators as visibility, authenticity, time efficiency, functionality, and complexity (multi-aspect nature) is improved in the process of forming professionally-oriented speech skills and developing students’ speech abilities.

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Supporting project activities in university using web services


The sustained interest in using project-based learning in higher education is driven by the need to prepare students for solving real-world problems and the potential of project activities to develop students’ independence, cognitive, and creative abilities. Based on psychological and pedagogical literature, the authors emphasize the importance of pedagogical and organizational support for students’ project activities. Considering the project assignment, the project learning leader (instructor) forms project teams and participates in supporting the student project team, ensuring its development as a cohesive unit.

A software platform for supporting project activities has been developed for the Project Learning Organization Center at Cherepovets State University — a web service designed for communication between the client and the executor, as well as for supporting the work of the Project Learning Organization Center staff at the stages of project management: initiation, planning, management, and control. The web service is developed using the Moodle educational electronic course management system. It includes four categories of users: administrator, instructor (project learning leader), student, and external client. This solution allows for the support of project-based learning, considering the interests of students, project learning leaders, clients, and the educational organization.

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Investigating the causes of speech disorders in children (perinatal aspects)


Speech disorders in children are a current issue of modern times, primarily because speech is a central cognitive function, without which the development of other mental processes, including thinking, is impossible. Speech development disorders in children can lead to difficulties in various areas in the future. This underscores the relevance of studying the causes of speech disorders in children and analyzing the factors influencing their occurrence. The aim of the research was to study the gender differences in the causes of speech disorders in children. A review and analysis of the literature on the problem were conducted. It was found that researchers consider perinatal factors among the significant causes of speech disorders. A retrospective analysis of the medical and educational documentation of children (n = 300) with disabilities, including severe speech disorders, was carried out. As a result, potential risk factors of the perinatal period influencing the occurrence of speech disorders in children were identified, and a gender analysis of these causes was conducted. Taking into account the identified risk factors, along with the early detection of deviations in a child’s psychomotor and speech development, will allow for the timely initiation of medication therapy and corrective work.

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