IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2017 Issue №1

Intercultural mediation in the context of globalization and migrant crisis


Modern society is predetermined with the policy of multiculturalism, which has proved its failure lately. The renewed demands for intercultural mediators require а need to evolve from mere tolerance to empathy in the process of communication with members of other cultures. A significant indicator of a new understanding of tolerance and adaptation to new conditions is mediation rather than the indifferent ‘tolerant’ acceptance of inappropriate behaviour.

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‘Theory of mind’ in explaining verbal and cognitive dysfunctions in autistic children and its experimental test


This article considers the main principles of ‘theory of mind’ as a cognitive theory explaining verbal and cognitive dysfunctions in children with autism spectrum disorder. The article presents some results of testing this theory through a psycholinguistic experiment that involved 16 students from special schools. It is concluded that, in the case of autistic children, it is more correct to speak of a deficiency, rather than a complete absence of a ‘theory of mind’.

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Developing applied competences in students of psychology and pedagogy through fulfilling professional tasks


This article deals with the development of students’ key competences through fulfilling professional tasks relating to the mathematical and statistical processing of psychological and pedagogical research data. The author describes the stages of progress in, and solutions to, the problem of studying anxiety levels in primary school students.

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Migrant children in the system of education in Russia: A new research trend


This article analyses trends in, and approaches to, research into problems associated with teaching migrant children at Russian multi-ethnic educational institutions. The author stresses the need to study emotional expression in non-native speakers and bilingual children and to develop their emotional intelligence. Interdisciplinary research should be aimed to study and develop a stable identification with the host country in migrant children and to create a feeling of psychological security to prevent involvement in terrorism.

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Theoretical approaches to studying police officers’ breaches of conduct


This article analyses Russian and international theoretical approaches to interpreting breaches of conduct by police officers. The author stresses the need to verify empirically the relevance of classical postulates of organizational and social psychology for interpreting breach of conduct in a formalized organization in the contemporary socioeconomic and political context. From the standpoint of collective action theory, the article examines the role of individual characteristics of psychological climate as predictors of breaches of conduct.

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